

Sep 30, 2014
We're just back from a trip to Alaska.

We started with a couple of sunny days in Vancouver...and then on to the Inside Passage:


On the second day, we were in Ketchikan, where we kayaked out to the Tatoosh Islands amid glorious sunny weather. Bald eagles were everywhere out here, and we loved how close we could get to the shore…the vertical walls and gentle seas allowed us to touch the rocks in many cases, exploring the starfish below.

Day three was in Juneau. Among other things, we hiked out the Perseverance Trail to the Falls, along with most of the population of Juneau. It was a sunny Sunday, and the residents were all enthusiastic about getting out on the trail! Great hike, with great views, and we came back on the flume trail, giving us yet another view of the area.


On day four we were in Skagway, where we had signed up for a session of rock climbing.


Day five was in Sitka, where I joined a few people to take a ride out to the end of the road north of town, then a boat to the head of Katlian Bay, where we fished for bright silver Dolly Varden trout in the Katlian.


Day six was the only day we really had any true Alaskan summer weather, as the fog limited our visit to the Hubbard Glacier.


Day seven took us to Seward, where we ended the cruise. We dropped off our luggage and consulted with the Kenai Fjords National Park visitors center in town. That led us to the Exit Glacier shuttle, which took us out and back for $15. What a deal!


We hiked the Exit Glacier Trail and partway up the Harding Ice Field Trail to some amazing views.

We headed back to town to eat lunch and then visit to the Alaska Sea Life Center---a world-class museum along the lines of the Monterey Aquarium.

The next day we started with a short hike on the Two Lake Loop just outside of town, and it gave us a great sense of the rainforest here.


We had booked a tour on the Kenai Fjords Tours boat Coastal Explorer. We had a magnificent sighting of a pod of humpback whales, complete with all their behaviors, from blowing and breaching to fin slapping and bubble-ring feeding. Better than National Geographic.


And then on to see fin whales. Steller dolphins, Steller sea lions, the Aialik glacier, puffins, murres, and so much more.


We then caught the bus evening into Anchorage along one of the most scenic highways on the planet.


And on the day of departure, we could see Denali from the airport, and got the birds-eye view as we flew out of Anchorage over the ice fields of Kenai Fjords on another sparkling day.

The whole trip report, with a link to ALL the photos, is here:
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Exit glacier is getting smaller and smaller. :( Do they still have the signs marking it's recession?
Nice trip! Sitka is on our list of places to visit sometime soon. Our kayak trip in Ketchikan got rained out when we were there, we got out in the kayaks and they called us back on because the weather was turning bad quickly. And our Kenai Fjords trip was awesome too! Glad to hear that you had a great time.
Wow, sounds like quite an epic trip! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
It really did exceed all of our expectations. The weather was stunning--last time it rained 6 out of 7 days. The adventures all worked--no cancellations, no problems, no worries. And I have to put in a good word for the people in Alaska. Whether they were native-born or just moved up from the lower 48, every single person we met was friendly, helpful, and when we needed them to be, professional. Truly memorable.

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