Polly's Canyon - Government Trail Loop


May 19, 2012

When my wife and I first came through here we thought Government Trail area was the most beautiful stretch in Grand Gulch. We were kind of in a hurry, stopped at Big Man Panel (BTW there are numerous rock art panels in between Government Trail and Big Man Panel), but did not explore very much. I have since spent a lot of time in this section. When we decided to share this area with our son Government Trail was an easy way to get into the Gulch. About 3 miles across Polly's Mesa and a steep trail into Grand Gulch.

One of my favorite hikes from Government Trail is down Polly's Canyon (4 miles) into Grand Gulch, down a few miles to a nice pool (Big Pour Off Spring ?). Then back up Grand Gulch and out Government Trail. We have also done a loop using Government Trail, and out Deer Canyon then back to the car at the Government trailhead.

I have shots from 2 trips, one in the spring of 2006 and one in the fall of 2011.
I have always sprinted down Polly's Canyon, but you could easily spend a couple of day's in here. Essentially the route is from the car park at Government Trail, head due east, not long you will see a small side canyon of Polly's. Contour down and enjoy the route, which follows a small trail, that was pretty spicy in spots if memory serves. It is easy to get stuck and have to bushwack further down canyon so look for low rock shelves on the sides to climb up to. Once you are stuck in that stuff it is easier to back up and out to the side so you can get by.
All of the ruins in this post are easily accessible from Government Trail, heading down canyon. See DAA's post for some excellent shots of this same area, and some images I don't have of ruins in Polly's.

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LDC, Polly's from up above in 2006, right after a rainstorm:




Camp spot at Polly's/Grand Gulch Junction:


On that trip in 2006 I had no special place I wanted to go, other than down Polly's and back up Gov't. Trail. So when I happened upon this place it was a total surprise. I was blown away. You don't see this ruin until you are right next to it, as half of it is hidden behind the sloping rock wall on the right. When I got back home I found 1 reference to it on the internet (now there are probably more) so I christened it Hidden House (I have since, however, decided that ruins should not be named). From 2008:



About half of the original structure has been destroyed (it looks intentional, maybe from the original excavators, whose writing is on the inside wall in pencil).






Above and below, the inside of the fin wall. If you look closely on the shot below you can see the pencil marks:




Heading down Grand Gulch, a very cool ruin with one of those defensive walls. Most people on this site would waltz right across this slope and through the door, but I am a coward. And there is a lot of exposure, you slip you die kind of thing. So when I am alone I have never attempted it. But the first time we came through here I did grow a pair and made it across, I remember mostly the far structure, which was amazingly intact sitting in it's own alcove, from 2006:


Another ruin a little further down. This is a shot from our first trip I think in 1982:








Camp at Big Pour Off Spring:


Hike back up Grand Gulch to the Government Trail, climb out and back 2.5 miles over Polly's Mesa to your car. It rained on me several times in 2011, with Polly's Canyon in the foreground:



The Government Trail is a great hike for kids (a little bit of exposure on the trail into Grand Gulch) but pretty short with a lot to see.

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Excellent! Did you happen to see any ruins in Polly's Canyon? There's beta on Climb Utah for some ruins a couple miles from the junction of Grand Gulch. Yvonne and I will be going in at Government Trail in May, and I wanted to search for the ruins up Polly's as well as the ruins around the Polly's Island on our first day. I'm interested in the route you took into Polly's. How difficult is to descend into Polly's at that point? It would save us some miles to enter that way, but we'll have 5 days worth of gear with us, so if it's dicey I'd probably rather just enter via the Government Trail and then head up Polly's.
The descent into Polly's is not that difficult, it requires the care needed when you are entering any seldom accessed canyon I guess. There will be 2 of you which is good. The trail may have been "improved" in the last few years since I have gone through. It is definitely easier to go down Polly's (rather than up) if you have a pack. 5 days! You will have big heavy packs I am assuming. I do not know your backpacking skills, but If you felt comfortable descending with your loads a trip down Polly's, with a one night stay in one of the side canyons would be a lot of fun. There are several ruins in here. It is not a hard descent, just not a cake walk. You could start your hike down Polly's, set your packs down and explore at the first major side canyon maybe. If you find a camp spot, great, if not continue down to Grand Gulch and set up camp there or nearby. You could easily spend 4 or 5 days here, day hiking up and down canyon. I don't know if you like to change camps often or stay in 1 spot and dayhike.
Having said all of this it would be a lot easier to go in and out via Government trail, maybe not as fun though.
I just like to try to not hike over the same territory if can help it, which is why I like the Polly's route in and Government trail out.
The descent into Polly's is not that difficult, it requires the care needed when you are entering any seldom accessed canyon I guess. There will be 2 of you which is good. The trail may have been "improved" in the last few years since I have gone through. It is definitely easier to go down Polly's (rather than up) if you have a pack. 5 days! You will have big heavy packs I am assuming. I do not know your backpacking skills, but If you felt comfortable descending with your loads a trip down Polly's, with a one night stay in one of the side canyons would be a lot of fun. There are several ruins in here. It is not a hard descent, just not a cake walk. You could start your hike down Polly's, set your packs down and explore at the first major side canyon maybe. If you find a camp spot, great, if not continue down to Grand Gulch and set up camp there or nearby. You could easily spend 4 or 5 days here, day hiking up and down canyon. I don't know if you like to change camps often or stay in 1 spot and dayhike.
Having said all of this it would be a lot easier to go in and out via Government trail, maybe not as fun though.
I just like to try to not hike over the same territory if can help it, which is why I like the Polly's route in and Government trail out.

Thanks Greg! I appreciate your input. I like to think of you as the Grand Gulch Guru.:) I'm sure that our packs will be a bit heavy at the start of the trip, so I'm glad to hear that descending into Polly's isn't too bad. Entering there would be a time saver. We're exiting on our last day at Kane Gulch, so we'll have a different camp each night as we work our way through the canyon. I'm so excited for this trip!
Sorry, I did not realize you were going one way up to Kane Gulch. You should have ample time to explore. However, I don't think it will be faster to enter Grand Gulch via Polly's Canyon. More fun and rewarding via Polly's, but not faster than using the Government trail.
I am jealous, you will need every hour of your 5 days, there is a lot to see!
No worries! When I say faster I only mean it should faster to drop into Polly's than dropping in via Government Trail then heading up Polly's a couple miles and returning. You are very right about there being a ton to see. Many people hike from Collins to Kane in 5 days, but that seemed like a stretch considering how many sites there are to visit. Even with 5 days at our disposal we won't be able to see it all.
Pixie....been to the ruins you are asking about a couple of times. I think I have a gpx files on them. If not I can place it on a map. Easy to find. You can cut across and drop in Polly's up high, check the ruins and continue to the main GG so you don't have to back track. We cairned a route down right by the ruins once, the other time I came in where the road is close to the upper part of the canyon. It's pretty easy walking in Polly's, a great campsite where Polly's hits GG. Let me look....
Pixie....been to the ruins you are asking about a couple of times. I think I have a gpx files on them. If not I can place it on a map. Easy to find. You can cut across and drop in Polly's up high, check the ruins and continue to the main GG so you don't have to back track. We cairned a route down right by the ruins once, the other time I came in where the road is close to the upper part of the canyon. It's pretty easy walking in Polly's, a great campsite where Polly's hits GG. Let me look....

Sweet! That would be very helpful Bob. Gotta love BCP people!
I can get you more location info on sites in GG, but you will have to PM me your email.....don't want to blanket post the locations...
When are you going we will be down there Apr 1 thru Apr 5 . This is the ruin you want to see...
No worries! When I say faster I only mean it should faster to drop into Polly's than dropping in via Government Trail then heading up Polly's a couple miles and returning. You are very right about there being a ton to see. Many people hike from Collins to Kane in 5 days, but that seemed like a stretch considering how many sites there are to visit. Even with 5 days at our disposal we won't be able to see it all.

Got it. Yeah, a trip down Polly's would be faster than Gov't trail and then back up Polly's to explore. More fun hiking the length of Polly's anyway.
We once did Collins to Kane in 5 days, not nearly enough time for exploring and fun.
BTW there are quite a few ruins in Polly's that would be worthy of exploring, you just need a little more time!
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Got it. Yeah, a trip down Polly's would be faster than Gov't trail and then back up Polly's to explore. More fun hiking the length of Polly's anyway.
We once did Collins to Kane in 5 days, not nearly enough time for exploring and fun.
BTW there are quite a few ruins in Polly's that would be worthy of exploring, you just need a little more time!

Are there ruins to explore above the point that you drop into Polly's or are they mostly below that point?
Another very nice report and photos. Will be going in first half of April and day hike Govt. Trail and also your described route off rim down to Perfect Kiva and loop out Sheik's. Hope to have time to get into Green House. Do you have suggestions on best places for at large camping. We will check the nice site at Sheiks Trailhead first but if it is taken would you offer additional suggestions?
Another very nice report and photos. Will be going in first half of April and day hike Govt. Trail and also your described route off rim down to Perfect Kiva and loop out Sheik's. Hope to have time to get into Green House. Do you have suggestions on best places for at large camping. We will check the nice site at Sheiks Trailhead first but if it is taken would you offer additional suggestions?

I have camped at the Bullet Canyon trailhead, although it is not ideal. There might be some spots along the road to Sheiks, there probably are, but they were not noteworthy. My only other suggestion would be to drive back out to the Hwy, head a few miles further and turn right towards Slickhorn and Government trail, there are lot's of spots around here, stay to the right and past the turn off to Gov't trail are some great sites, but these are all at least a 30 minutes drive from Sheiks trailhead.
Are there ruins to explore above the point that you drop into Polly's or are they mostly below that point?

I have a really old tattered USGS map, printed before they started removing ruin locations, and it does show some ruins in the upper reaches of all the side canyons in Polly's. I have used Polly's as a conduit to get to Grand Gulch, and have not really explored here too much. You might want to explore the first large side canyon on the right LDC if you go down Polly's.
So cool! I'm loving these Grand Gulch reports. Can't believe I still haven't done much in the area. Sadly, I don't think this will be my year with my new 4-legged hiking companion calling the shots.

Love that last pano in particular.
gnwatts...like me I have a ton of sites off of old maps.....You ever been in what they call Shangri la canyon, want to try as a access.
Nick.... Pretty sure dogs are no longer allowed in GG as of a few years ago.
Nick.... Pretty sure dogs are no longer allowed in GG as of a few years ago.

They are allowed in most of it, but the rules are so stringent as far as being on leash and not entering alcoves that it's not worth it. Hence why I probably won't be crossing any of it off my list this year. If she can't come, I'm probably not going! :)
So cool! I'm loving these Grand Gulch reports. Can't believe I still haven't done much in the area. Sadly, I don't think this will be my year with my new 4-legged hiking companion calling the shots.

Love that last pano in particular.

Thanks Nick. I think if you stay out of the Primitive area you can bring a dog, I may be wrong on that though.......

gnwatts...like me I have a ton of sites off of old maps.....You ever been in what they call Shangri la canyon, want to try as a access.
Nick.... Pretty sure dogs are no longer allowed in GG as of a few years ago.

I have not been up Shangri-la (great name). We never made it down that far the last time I tried to make the San Juan.

Thanks ashergrey.
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