Zion NP West Rim Trail Report


New Member
Apr 14, 2013
Hey folks. My 13 yr old daughter and I did the West Rim descent on Wed/Thursday this week (Apr 10/11), staying at campsite 8, and getting a ride up by Zion Adventure. The road is passable all the way to the very last gate which remained closed. Guys from the Adventure company started to drop us by the cabins but after checking they felt good going all the way to the gate. Walk down to the trailhead was on snow, at times with some 6 inch post holing into old tracks that had gotten covered over (see picture). Once at the trail head, snow was completely gone on the trail the rest trip, and no ice.

Temps were chilly with some wind, but beautiful blue bird days. Stay at campsite 8 was nice, but sub 32F at night (brgh!). Water at all water sources was plentiful. On descent into main canyon wild flowers, (particularly Indian paintbrush) were in full bloom. As we left potato hollow, we had an encounter witha a dusky grouse that did not like our presence......chased us over 100 yards up hill trying to peck at our ankles....never have seen such a thing! We heard later it is pretty common breeding season activity by this species.

Hike on!

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Thanks for the update, we're headed to the area next weekend from WY ~ hoping to escape the snow!

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