Yant Flat

Howells Outdoors

Adventure is my middle name...actually it's Keith.
Sep 26, 2012
I saw a TR on this place awhile back and thought it was gorgeous. Sadly I never took the time to figure out where it was. Youth these days! Finally, I decided it was time to figure out where this awesome place was.

I had an assignment due for a photography class; Yant Flat, with its lines and textures, played the perfect location for the assignment. So I took off early in the morning from Cedar City and skipped classes to hike.

I got to the trailhead about 10 minutes before the sun starting peaking over the Zion National Park. The trailhead does offer quite a nice view of the Zion Skyline. It was mesmerizing to watch the sun burst from behind the sandstone walls. After the solar display I figured I better get to where I was heading (I had to be back in Cedar by 1).

Camera? Check.
Tripod? Check.
Water? Check.

There were other things on the list, but who wants to read through everything?

The hike in was nice; short, mile and a half to the sandstone. Then it's just roam around from there.

I love the billowy sandstone structures out here, with the red and white mixes. I'm sure there is plenty more to see than what I saw. And I'm no photographer so I wasn't able to capture the place by any means.

I'll go back!


Featured image for home page:
great shots!! I love Yants Flat.
I've never been up there for sunrise. Funny thing I've been there so many times this year with European visitors but rarely brought a camera. Usually I just wander around and show everyone the nice spots to explore.
Sunrise was awesome out there...watching the sun rise over the Zion skyline was AWESOME!
Beautiful! :)
I love this kind of sandstone - a little bit of Coyote Buttes, a little bit of Yellow Rock.

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