Wind River Range Snowout???


New Member
Apr 26, 2014
Does anybody have a good prediction for snowout this year in The Winds? I know the pack is high this year. I'm wondering how high I could get around July 6...
I deleted your other post and moved this one to trip planning. Welcome to BCP!

It's been a good snow year up there but not epic. I think you'd be good for most destinations by July 6th with the exception of the high passes which generally take a bit longer. But that could still go any way. What happens in May and June will decide whether things will be doable. If it is typical, you should be fine, just don't expect to get over something like Knapsack Col without gear or serious cojones. If it's like 2011 and it stays cold and snowy in the late spring, it could go the other way completely.
Plus mosquito plenty until about mid August.......

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