Timpanooke to Upper Scout Falls


New Member
May 9, 2013
Did a partial Timp hike for training purposes. Rode bikes from road closure barricade in AF Canyon to Timpanooke Trailhead, then by 10am we hiked in warm weather up the trail. Hit a few small snow patches 10 ft. from trail head, but half mile up it was completely covered. We all had good boots and either ice axes or treking poles. Trail hard to spot at times so we went directly up two smaller cliff faces. Snow had a thin layer of ice that could easily be kicked through to get a safe foothold. Flat areas above the various cliffs were bare of snow. We turned around below cliffs at final trail to Timp Basin. Slid down most of the way when possible using poles and ice axes to self arrest before hitting trees and rocks at bottom. Fell through to small streams several times. Snow is melting fast, but nothing compared to last year (http://backcountrypost.com/forum/threads/aspen-grove-may-4-2012.783/). Post holing in most places was unavoidable; should have had snow shoes or climbed earlier in morning to make it easier. Will attempt to summit Timp on Memorial Day. Hope to see many others out there as well!IMG_20130504_124044_093.jpg

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