This weekend

Oh, yeah, that's right. And, now, it looks like I could have gone. Going with you guys might have been exactly what I needed, too. Dang it.
That'd be great. Unfortunately, I've managed to be able to get away starting tomorrow in exchange for being back on Monday...I guess I need to get while the getting is good. :( I'd really like to be going with you guys, though.
That's too bad. Don't worry, it's just going to be a bunch of water, rocks and little bushes. Booooorrrrrriiiiing. ;)
Yeah, whatever! I've done that trip, and I really want to do it again...taking it a little slower.

It's 10:30, though, and I can't decide what I want to do. I'm thinking about a few days exploring Mancos Mesa, but I also kind of want to find a big canyon with some nice cottonwoods in it, but I can't think of one. And googling "utah canyon cottonwood" doesn't give me the right end of the state... And searching my own trip reports is proving to be tedious.
Maybe I could do Horseshoe Canyon and we could meet up at the mouth one night!
That's the guy who's quickly leading me to an expensive new backcountry hobby...
Although trying to time that on a float schedule could be interesting since we'll probably be measuring our distance in beers...

But we've never tried the direct inReach messaging!
They were lucky to find Barrier Creek flowing. That hike would be an absolute slog without the running water.
First week of October I think. Is lower Barrier Creek typically dry? I know the upper is but the shots in there make it look somewhat perennial.
First week of October I think. Is lower Barrier Creek typically dry? I know the upper is but the shots in there make it look somewhat perennial.

It was absolutely bone dry when I was at the mouth in April. It's obviously a significant drainage because the mouth is very wide where it joins the Green but I've never heard of it running regularly.

Of course, I also hiked a good portion of the Virgin Narrows dry this summer, so take my experience for what it is.
Maybe you're the evil anti-water, just like my wife and I are the evil anti-animals.

In my personal experience, I'm barely convinced that wild animals exist outside of Yellowstone.

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