Thermarest Neo Air


Aug 9, 2007
Anybody use one? What do you think?

I've used almost every kind of pad out there. In the car camping season I've been using a big, wide REI self inflating pad and it's made me think the key to good sleep in the backcountry is getting a wider pad for that too. I'm not really sure why but the extra width almost tricks me into thinking I'm in my own bed. The 25" wide NeoAir is still pretty good on weight at 1 lb 3 oz.

Anybody use one? What do you think?

I've used almost every kind of pad out there. In the car camping season I've been using a big, wide REI self inflating pad and it's made me think the key to good sleep in the backcountry is getting a wider pad for my backpack. I'm not really sure why but the extra width almost tricks me into thinking I'm in my own bed. The 25" wide NeoAir is still pretty good on weight at 1 lb 3 oz.


I've got 3 self inflating pads and 3 insulated air pads. The insulated air pads are so comfortable that now the only time I use one of my self inflating pads is for added insulation when I'm car camping in the winter. I have slept in 20 degree temps with my 20 down bag and insulated air pads. I would think that would be the only downside to the NeoAir, lack of insulation. One of these days I am going to buy an Exped Downmat.

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For sho! Inflated pads are luxury, worth the few extra ounces than the mm thick thermarest. The trick to winter camping on a non insulated 3"inflatable is putting a thermarest on top of the inflatable. Which now that I think about it the two combined might be more weight than a proper 4 season inflatable?
I have the Neo Air and LOVE IT!!!!! The bad boy blows up to 2.5" thick and weighs in at a whopping 14 oz (regular size)!!!! My old pad is a Thermarest Trail that is only 1" thick and weighs 1lb 8oz. The Neo Air costs an arm and a leg though. It retails for $150, but you can find it easily for around $120. I lucked out and scored mine at a grand opening and got it for $90 out the door!!!:naughty:
A friend lent me his on a trip to Maine last year and I was instantly convinced it was worth the hefty price at the time, (a considerable jump since I was still sleeping on a foam pad). So comfortable and I slept so well on it.

But after buying it for myself, (having to spend even more for the tall size), and taking it on a trip on the East Rim Trail, I wasn't so sure.

While it's light weight and compact, it sounds like you're sleeping on a pile of dry newspaper. I'm a light, restless sleeper and it was noisy enough to keep myself awake and piss off my tent mate, (might depend on how much you inflate it or how much you drink before sleeping).

And being so light weight, it's doesn't seem suited for sleeping on rough ground. This year will be the real test!
I recently bought the neoair regular for myself for Christmas. So while I've only had it out on one overnight trip I love it. Seems like with care it should hold up OK. I'm a pretty heavy sleeper so I've not had the problem that others mention about the "crinkles" keeping them awake. I almost feel guilty sleeping so comfortably on something weighs less than older, thinner, self inflating mat. Almost is the key word, I love it.

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