
Very cool, Chere! And very cool that Spencer was on the ball when you needed him to be. Another great reason to always do a fireman if possible! So how did Spry stack up overall to other canyons you've done?

P.S. +10 on style points since Spencer had a backcountrypost shirt on! :D
Loved it! That is really hard for me to say how it stacked up. Get am early start for this one as the approach is up hill and in the sun so if you don't start early you WILL roast. I do like getting the majority of the hiking out of the way at the beginning rather than the end like Birch Hollow or Fat Man's and it wasn't a steep crazy approach like Mystery. Once in the canyon it is longer than Pine Creek so I enjoyed that part. There is a sketchy chute section that was a bit intimidating but once I learned how to elevator (using your hips and shoulders to wedge and slide) it was a bit better but still scary. I don't think Spencer liked that section at all. However nothing as squeeze as whatever Leprechaun I did. That scares me worse than rappelling. On the last rappel I should have added more friction before going down. It wasn't bad but did heat up a bit. Boulder hoping at the end was fun. I use to hate that part mostly because I was out of shape but now I like it. Very beautiful view of Zion switchbacks as you come out of the canyon. And you do get one good swim in Pine Creek once at the creek you are only about 10 min from the car.

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