Skiing Yellowstone


Dec 23, 2013
I thought this might interest some folks.

Skiing Yellowstone

I have his PBS Christmas in Yellowstone DVD and I quite like it. He says he is still going to use his tarp for this trip and I understand grizzlies are leaving there dens a touch early this year.
Absolutely awesome. Thanks.

'I’m not going to be typing, I’m not going to be Tweeting,” he said. “I don’t even own a cell phone.'

That guy is the real deal.
That's awesome that he going over the Big Game Ridge area to the Yellowstone, then north. Best of luck!
125 miles in 14 days? I could do that in half the time. I unfriend you.

Side note: Over 2000 days in Lamar Valley? Impressive! Thanks for sharing, @scatman. You've got some catching up to do.

@Chuck the Mauler - You might be able to get it done in seven days but I could do it on one ski! Take that you unfriend! :p

I've only day hiked in the Lamar Valley. That should change this July on my backpacking trip. That will only put me 1997 days behind Mr. Murphy! Watch out, I'm catching up.

You know, after watching the PBS show. I tried to contact Mr. Murphy and find out where he got his sheep skin mitts. I thought maybe he had gotten them somewhere locally in Montana. Unfortunately, he was in Antarctica when I made my inquiry but his wife responded, telling me that he had made the mitts himself (should have known). Those thing look like they would keep your hands toasty on Everest! I still have dreams to this day about those mitts! :twothumbs:
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