Sawyer Mini Water Filter

Yes, I have one of these, along with a sawyer squeeze. More info here:

I've used them a few times, most recently on our trip to the Maze. It filters fast and it's super light. However, it's tricky and takes practice to keep from getting contaminated non-filtered water in your drinking area. I haven't mastered this yet, even with the camelbak quick disconnect. It's also tricky to get the bags 100% full. Next time I plan on using an old water bottle to fill up, rather than the included bag. Since it has rigid sides, it should be easier to get 100% full, and the sawyer mini will screw on to most water bottles. For a trip like the wind rivers or the Uintas, where you've got water every 40 feet, I plan on using it as a straw for my plastic water bottles.

They actually make a quick disconnect for your camelbak (or any other bladder) which allows you to fill it by reverse-feeding it through the tube. Pretty sweet not having to unpack your pack just to fill your bladder.

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you also want to make sure the filter doesn't get below freezing, or it'll crack the filter element and let contaminants in. I just keep it in a zip lock and toss it in my sleeping bag.

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