Sawtooth or Uintas Recommends Requested


Mar 14, 2012

I hope you're ready to take off your hardcore backpacking hats just for a minute and give me some car camping advice! :)

Three friends and I are looking for an easy car camping weekend, and we thought it would be nice to go someplace new. I've heard great things about the Sawtooths, and parts of them seem do-able for a weekend trip starting from Salt Lake City. We'll be leaving on a Friday afternoon and returning on a Sunday.

Ideally, we'd be able to find a not-too-insanely crowded car camping spot at or near a body of water with a few short day hikes we can do with camp as a base. We're fine with primitive camping. We'd like to keep the drive from Salt Lake at or under 6ish hours.

Alternatively, your suggestions that meet the above criteria in other Salt Lake area mountain ranges accepted (ie, the Uintas).

Thanks and happy trails,
Sawtooths. Redfish Lake, Alturas Lake, or any on the east side. But its a farther drive than the Uintas.
Hoop or Spirit Lakes on the eastern end of the Uintas. More day hikes around Spirit, longer trails leading out from Hoop.
West side of the Tetons, access from near Driggs, Id. Dayhike to the ridge, way good views of the Tetons. Dayhike from trailheads in the'll get a good teaser for those mtns.
Hey! Belatedly checking in to say thanks for all the recommendations! I really appreciate them.

We wound up taking ashergrey's suggestion and headed up to Spirit Lake the last weekend in July. The drive wasn't too long, and the lakes were lovely. We liked the Spirit Lake campground pretty well, although we did have to haul out a bunch of trash people had left in the fire pit.

We saw a mama and baby moose briefly as we hiked up to Tamarack Lake. This was exactly what we were looking for, and we had a great time.

Hope to check out the rest of these great suggestions in the future!

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