Rocky Mouth Canyon

Bret Boyce

Feb 8, 2012
I have been doing lots of peak bagging latley and have been having canyon withdrawls. I haven't had a decent canyon trip for a month, hoping to get out in the next few weeks. Untill then I heard of this little canyon in Sandy that only takes a few hours and has some sweet little raps in waterfalls. I invited 2 buddies and my wife, we parked at the church on Wasatch Blvd. and hiked to the trail head. Interesting, there is a well marked dirt trail passes between two huge houses. We hiked to the falls to check it out the last rap, then shot up a gully on the left after ten mins we skirted a ledge on the right and dropped to the first rappel station. The first rap was off a tree maybe 40 feet tops and could have easily been down climbed. The 2nd anchor was a pinch point and down a convoluted flute, the cold water felt great since it was so dang HOT. Anyways it was a great little canyon that didn't require much time or effort, but worth doing more than once! I will add some pics in the next few days!

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This is the best pic from the trip, I am alos putting a link to my facebook page if you want to see more pics. Is there any easy way to add lots of pics to a post?

You can just upload them all by clicking upload and then just select all of them at once. Once they're uploaded, then click the insert all images. You can insert them as thumbnails and then they'll appear as a gallery or as full size images to make them appear full size in the post.
I have uploaded pics before on here, it is not letting me do it. I get them all uploaded then it says some type of error has occured?
Cool! I've hiked to these falls several times since they're so close to where I live. I know it's also a popular spot for canyoneers, but have never seen any when I've gone up there. It's neat to finally see someone rappeling down them!

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