Riddle Lake, Yellowstone

Jan 23, 2012
New Trail Guide up for Riddle Lake in Yellowstone. In-depth questions & comments can be posted in this thread.

View Riddle Lake Trail Guide

[bimg=fleft|300|Riddle Lake]http://backcountrypost.com/forum/data/attachments/7/7887-52c0b91c0182f01d965892b9f09a86fe.jpg[/bimg]Riddle Lake is a decent size, but small lake surrounded by lodge pole forest and meadows with an excellent backdrop of the Red Mountains and Mt. Sheridan to the south. Riddle Lake is around 270 acres in size. A majority of the forest surrounding the lake was burned in the fires of 1988’, but it is intertwined with new growth forest and some surviving old growth forest as well. The lake has an extensive marshy area bordering its northwest side and is covered in lily pads in the shallows surrounding the marsh. Riddle Lake got its name from early explorers in the 1800’s who were confused about which ocean the lake drained toward because it sits so close to the Continental Divide. It was once believed to flow towards both oceans (east and west), but it was later discovered that it flows into Yellowstone Lake (east) and with this discovery the outlet was justly named Solution Creek. This area attracts abundant wildlife because of its lush meadows including, Elk, Moose and the mighty Grizzly.



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