Recommended Trail Guides for Wind Rivers?


Aug 14, 2012
I just purchased the off-trail book by Nancy Pallister.

After doing two weeks in the Adirondacks, where I was fine, but my wife overestimated her fitness level, I'm thinking of making our backpacking trip to WY next year much easier than originally planned. Stick to trails, reduce the number of passes we climb, etc.

Can someone recommend a few good trail guide books?

Also, what are the trails like in the Big Sandy, Cirque of the Towers, Washakie area? In the Adirondacks, the trails are covered with rocks the size of bowling balls, microwaves, and even refrigerators, requiring a lot of scrambling. I dealt with them fine, but dear wife just doesn't have the strong ankles nor the long leg stride required to rock hop and scramble.

The trails in the winds are pretty good. The territory is complex and convoluted, but the trails are well maintained. Big Sandy, Cirque, Washakie are some of the most heavily traveled trails, so they are always buffed. Suprisingly, there are way less roots/rocks/obstacles in trails out here in most places than there are on the east coast.

As for trail books, Nancy's is the most complete, but it is needlessly complex, hard to read, and doesn't track well. I have the falcon guide, which for simple on-trail routes, is pretty good. Very basic stuff though. It's available here.
We live in New York and do most of our hiking in the north east. If you survived a two week trip in the Adirondacks, the Wind River Range will be no problem for you! I've done two backpacking trips in the Wind River Range. The first was from the Elkhart trailhead last year: one night Island Lake, two nights Titcomb Basin (day hike into Indian Basin), and one night Island Lake. My husband climbed Fremont Peak, but the rest of the time we were on maintained trails. I was carrying our 35 lb daughter and my husband had a ridiculous sized pack with all our gear - we did just fine on the trails. We encountered a lot of snow in Indian Basin (second week in August), but it was a big snow pack last year.

Our second trip was last month out of Big Sandy Trailhead. Two nights Big Sandy Lake (day hike to Jackass Pass), one night Deep Lake (short day hike to Temple Lake), and one night Big Sandy Lake. This time our daughter did her own hiking (thank goodness!) and she did just fine on all the trails - even some of the short rocky sections going to the pass. These trails are all heavily traveled trails and in great shape.

My husband did an additional week long trip with a buddy in July and they did a lot more off trail with climbing peaks and passes (also out of Big Sandy Trailhead). I'd have to ask him about conditions in the places he went. I haven't been too impressed with any of the Wind River books we have (although we don't have the Falcon Guide - sounds like we should, lol). My husband also heavily supplemented his planning with info online - forums, trip reports, Google Earth, etc. What route were you thinking of? I'd be happy to ask him about any specific places.

One thing we've changed up since having our daughter is finding more places to base camp with great day hike options. Is that something you do with your wife? If you are climbing passes or have some bigger days planned, might be nice for her to hike without a pack if the spot is accessible from a campsite.

You'll love the Wind River Range!
Thanks for the responses.

I ordered the Falcon Guide.

pudgy_groundhog, I appreciate the perspective. To be clear, it wasn't two weeks of non-stop backpacking in the ADK. The first week was 3 days/2 nights with wife and a friend in the High Peaks, followed by a couple days of day hiking. The 2nd week was 4 nights out with 3 guys trying to do the Great Range Traverse: Hedgehog, Lower Wolfjaw, Upper Wolfjaw, Gothics, Saddleback, Basin, and Marcy. We skipped Haystack due to rain, lots of low hanging clouds, and finding the whole route tougher than we expected with packs. This was followed by some easy day hiking the rest of the week.

Right now, my plans are to start at the Big Sandy Trailhead, and I'm considering routes in the Hailey Pass, Washakie Pass, Cirque of the Towers area.

My original thoughts were: Sandy Trailhead toward Mays Lake. Over Hailey Pass, around Grave Lake, south to Washakie Lake, over Washakie Pass, then up the Washakie Creek to Shadow Lake, Billys Lake, etc. Over Texas Pass to the Cirque. Out Jackass Pass to Big Sandy, back to the Big Sandy trailhead.

I'm now thinking that such a route is a lot of passes, elevation, and miles for 5 or 6 days on the trail. Like you suggest, I'm thinking of incorporating a "base camp" day or two with day hikes instead. I will probably cut out the entire loop over Hailey Pass and back via Washakie Pass and stay on the west side of the range. However, I'd still like to go up Washakie Creek and go into the Cirque via Texas Pass.

I think it's great that your daughter is hiking with you! Have you heard of Patricia Ellis Herr?
After a few backpacking trips in the High Peaks many years ago, we decided we liked day hiking better and saved our backpacking for other areas of the ADKs. Carrying packs on some of those trails is pretty brutal!

Sounds like your Wind River trip is shaping up nicely. Whatever route you decide - you'll have a great trip. :D

I "know" Patricia Ellis Herr in that she's on a message board I visit, although I haven't met her or her girls in person. They are definitely an inspiration to hikers with kids. :)

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