Pettit Lake to Redfish Lake (One Car) Need Help!


May 21, 2024
Hello Everyone,

Thanks in advance for your help.

I'm planning to hike the Sawtooths for my 30th birthday at the end of June. I'm expecting some snow and hoping the weather will cooperate. Unfortunately, my friend who was going to join me had to back out.

I need recommendations on how to manage this trip with just one car. The current plan is to camp at Pettit Lake Campground, leave the car at the trailhead, and then possibly hitchhike from Redfish Lake Lodge. However, my partner is understandably hesitant about hitchhiking.

Another idea is to see if there's a shuttle from Stanley to Pettit Lake and then from Redfish Lake back to Stanley.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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I've done that hitch before, it's pretty easy. I bet the Lodge would do a shuttle for you as well. They're friendly and helpful.
I used a Shuttle many years ago. Dont rember who maybe out of redfish lodge. Could call them or Google sawtooth shuttle...
We tried to arrange a similar shuttle a few years ago, without any luck. We did find a guy in Sun Valley that was willing to do it, but the cost was too high because we would have had to pay him for his mileage from Sun Valley and back. We also tried Uber & Lyft in Stanley, but there weren't any drivers in the area back then. Ultimately we changed our route to a loop because we didn't want to hitchhike or depend on trying to find someone before we started.