
It was my first time to see the area. I have wanted to see Box Canyon for a while. It was good to experience it the first time with my little family.
I had to work. No outside for me.
Ponca State Park for a while, then the fields near my house for a while.

Missouri River at the state park
Visiting family in Idaho Falls and had plans to go up to the Menan Buttes. Not everyone could be convinced to go because of the cold temperatures, so we stayed in town and spent some time walking around the Snake River. Not too wild, but it beats being in the mall! 11-27-07.29.32.jpg
Backpacked and camped on a ridge in the Red River Gorge. Hiked out today as the masses hiked in. 60 degrees, full moon.
I didn't get out today. I'd planned to be camping in Glen Canyon this weekend but had to cancel. But I sure do love this whole #OptOutside thing instead of the usual black friday BS. Best hashtag ever. Way to get out there, all.
70 degrees yesterday in the Tennessee Valley so we did about 7 miles at Big Ridge State Park. Deer season just started here so we did a state park to avoid getting shot. The trails were actually really nice.
I went on a bike ride with my wife through the roads in Harriman State Park that are closed for the winter. Didn't bother taking any pictures though.
we braved the 60-80mph wind!!! Funny thing was that when we got to the top it wasn't windy for about 5 minutes...long enough for some pics. A brisk 20 degrees. My wife stayed back with napping kidlets then she did it too.
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(I'm a noob...how do I rotate the pics? They were right side up before I uploaded)

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