NH Hancock Loop, July 19, 2024


Aug 18, 2015
I was fortunate to get a break in the heat and humidity here in the NE. Needed to train and test gear for a challenging route with @Bob in the Winds. Spent a bunch of time searching for alternatives where I could get a short backpack, decent views and avoid the crowds along the AT. Wound up picking a 9.5 mile loop, 2630' gain over North and South Hancock in the NH White Mountains.

Stayed the night at Russell Pond campground in the National Forest. The hike the next day starts with an easy approach, except for massive amounts of roots,. Then it starts climbing steeply for 3/4 mile up a rocky trail with a fair sections of loose scree & gravel. 40-60 degree grades for about 0.5 mile. Same terrain going down. Carried 2L water with a starting weight of about 25 lbs. Haze is partly due to smoke from many western fires.

I was slow - took me 6.5 hrs. Got passed by a few 30-somethings going both up and down. No flowers, but plenty of mushrooms as we've had so much rain. Had planned to stay the night near the base based on info I'd gotten but couldn't find a good, legal campsite. Dense woods and wasn't interested in bushwhacking. Hiked out and drove 4 hrs back home, wishing I'd soaked my feet in the stream before leaving. At least it distracted from the knee pain. Today the heat and humidity are back.

That looks like @Bob 's kind of trail.

I'm attempting the same sort of training for his Hidden Creek Extravaganza. The heat/humidity has been bad by me recently too. . . I only made it three miles with the weighted pack on last weekend.