Looking for Wind River advice: Grave Lake, Washakie Lake area


Aug 14, 2012
I'm starting to plan my backpacking trip for next year, and I've got my sights set on the Wind River range.

I'm currently thinking of doing a loop from Big Sandy up toward Pyramid Lake, over Hailey Pass, following the Bears Ears trail south to the Washakie Pass trail, west over Washakie pass, then east on the Shadow Lake trail, over Texas Pass into the Cirque of the Towers, and finally over Jackass Pass and back out to Big Sandy. This will be a 5 or 6 day trip.

Looking on a map, I'm intrigued by a valley that runs N-S, located just to the south of Grave Lake's western end. At the end of the valley is a saddle, that would lead over to Macon Lake.

I've checked several topo's, and I don't see any mapped trail heading over this pass. However, the pass looks similar in elevation and in %grade to what one would encounter going over Texas Pass or Washakie Pass. It might make an interesting alternate to going further east to take the Bears Ears Trail to the Washakie Pass trail, and allow me to explore a valley and lakes further removed from regularly traveled paths.

Does anyone have any first hand experience with this area?


can you post a screenshot of the topo? trying to figure out exactly which pass you mean.
is it the pass named on the USGS topo as 11574?

it's known as Macon Lake Pass, and it is pretty mellow, though i haven't done it. i researched it last year, and it's in nancy pallister's book.

her tip - on the macon lake side, aim for the west side of macon lake on the descent not the east, might have to skirt some cliffs.
Here is a part of the USGS topo map with the pass circled in red.

Thanks for the tip, Dan. I just ordered Nancy's book from the publisher today.

I'm thrilled to hear it's covered in the book. Hopefully there is some more information about that valley and the lakes in there? Or, if I decide to do them, finding out what lies there could be part of our adventure.

I'll have to carefully consider whether or not I want to take a "shortcut" through that valley instead of going around via Bears Ears. From the photos I've seen online, Peyson Peak is quite a sight to behold!

yep, that's the one. i've only looked up that valley from the inlet to grave lake, but it's hard not to see it and think "damn, what's up there!." total solitude too. we fished baptiste last fall, and pulled out some monster alpine fish. i wonder if 10568 has fish in it too, it's slightly lower in elevation than baptiste. definitely seems like a worthy target.

pretty hard to pick a spot on the topo out there and "miss" though. it's all crazy good. though i'll admit, i don't like the stretch from big sandy to hailey pass along the pyramid lake trail all that much. feels like a long walk trying to "get there" but after Hailey, it's stunning. Upper east fork is nice too.
Thanks. For us low landers living at 600 feet above sea level, I don't mind the long walk getting there from Big Sandy. We'll need the time to acclimate to the elevation.

Looks like a guy could spend LOTS of vacation weeks in the Winds, and never get bored!

Are you talking the East Fork lakes west of Pyramid Lake, like 10566? I thought about camping at Pyramid Lake or at 10566 or 10331. Maybe camp at Pyramid and day hike down into that East Fork/ Raid Peak area.
Are you talking the East Fork lakes west of Pyramid Lake, like 10566? I thought about camping at Pyramid Lake or at 10566 or 10331. Maybe camp at Pyramid and day hike down into that East Fork/ Raid Peak area.
exactly. there's good camping west of Pyramid lake heading toward the east fork river, but it is probably a bit out of the way for you, if going over hailey.
Hey there Dan. I'm really interested in your Backpack into the Winds. Pyramid came up on a list of lakes recently between a conversation I had with a local avid Angler down here in Utah. I, lke the rest of the trout bum community, amd hell bent on getting up to the winds not only to catch some monsters, but to also search for my opportunity at "Golden Trout". I understand why Fly Fisherman act the way they do when the subject comes up about their recent trips into the Winds, but it's also kind of lame. Anyway, my roommate and I are ready four our quest this summer to dial into the Golden and we have heard of Pyramid being a decent place to find them. Just curious, when are you headed out on this loop?
Just realized that was one of the laziest trip reports I have ever posted...lame. :( Hope you enjoy the photos.
ahh- the Winds! If you're after goldens, or knowing what's in that unnamed lake on the topo maps, track down a copy of The Most Complete Guide to Wyoming Fishing. If you're going to spend any time in the Winds fishing, you can't afford not to!
Just realized that was one of the laziest trip reports I have ever posted...lame. :( Hope you enjoy the photos.
Loved the photos!!!! Thanks for sharing!
Go in from Sweetwater......................less people. Cirque is overrated.
Haha. I was just googling 'grave lake loop' and what site did I find?

I was thinking about maybe doing the standard Grave Lake Loop this year. Over Hailey, down to Grave and back over Washakie. The Adkison book pegs it at 33 miles and I'm kind of broken so I'm wondering if 4 days would be sufficient for a not-too-fast pace. Has anyone done this particular route? Obviously two big passes in it but how's the trail otherwise?

This photo set is quite insipiring...
I've done Hailey, but not Washakie. I hear Washakie is the easier of the two.

Not much difficulty with Hailey either, but the north side is STEEEEP. Would be a knee crusher for sure. Just loose dirty trails, not big boulders or talus though. So taking it slow should be fine. I did it over labor day weekend, so three nights. We basically laid over one night, and came back over Hailey, so my guess is it's doable in 3 nights over washakie, depending on your appetite for a couple 10-ish mile days.

I recommend skull on the first night, perhaps Baptiste or Grave Lake on night two, under the huge boulder alcove at Washakie night 3, and back to Big Sandy on Day 4.

P.S. The fishing at baptiste and grave is, uh, amazing.

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