Lightning over Basalt Mountain


May 19, 2012
IMG_6693 - Version 2.jpg

We have been getting some beautiful lightning storms coming through, so I decided to brave the rain, wind (and lightning) and attempt a few shots. I might add a few tonight as we are supposed to get hammered even harder.
I had forgotten about the weather and lightning shot thread, next time I will post them there.


IMG_6688 - Version 2.jpg

IMG_6665 - Version 2.jpg

Thanks for looking.
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Thanks DrNed, it was a little scary.
Yes, I agree, Frighteningly Awesome, as a multiple lightning strick survivor, I have huge unwavering respect for that force of mother nature and tend to head indoors when I can... they say 3rd times a charm, well I dont feel like chancing a 3rd strike, it could be the one to kill me this time. The other 2 times were more indirect as I was within 15 feet of where the main bold struck, but managed to catch a smaller side arc. Never felt a thing. Only reaon I knew something happened was because my eye color went from brown to purple for a couple days afterwards.

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