Labyrinth Time Needed


New Member
Jun 6, 2014
First post, but long time lurker. The wife and I have some time off for her birthday and I would like to surprise her with a float down the Green. I've got my stops in order, shuttle company chosen, raft and gear all lined up. I've seen varying posts on the time needed to allot to make the trip. With the swollen rivers right now, would this be feasible?
Friday July 11 - On the river by 1pm at Ruby Ranch
Sunday July 13 Off the river by 1pm at Mineral Bottom

I realize we wont be able to do many excursions/side hikes, but I also don't want to be on the water from 8am-8pm to make this happen...

We'll be taking a 14' oar raft, ready to paddle, but also wanting to just float for a lot of the time.

We don't want rapids; just scenic majestic UT. If this doesn't seem like feasible, any other recommendations? We'll be coming from Denver, so the current plan is to rent in Fruita->Drive to Ruby Ranch-> Have company ferry our car to Mineral-> Back to Fruita->Home sweet, home..

Any input would be sooo appreciated.
For a shorter trip like this, Ruby - Horsethief between Loma and Westwater is a nice float without rapids that might work out for you. If you are renting the gear from Fruita, it would be closer, too. The only issue would be reserving a campsite.
Thanks for the input. Looking through Ruby-Horsetheif camp rez's made convinced me that I want to do this the right way and spend more time on the Green. I think we'll do the green but add an extra day to the trip.

Another question- Do I need to call Ruby Ranch ahead of time to tell them I am coming since it is private? Or do I just show up?

Plan now is to rent on Thursday early, drop the wife and gear off at Ruby Ranch, move car to Mineral Bottom, get a shuttle back up to Ruby, then hit the water.
Thanks for the input. Looking through Ruby-Horsetheif camp rez's made convinced me that I want to do this the right way and spend more time on the Green. I think we'll do the green but add an extra day to the trip.

Another question- Do I need to call Ruby Ranch ahead of time to tell them I am coming since it is private? Or do I just show up?

Plan now is to rent on Thursday early, drop the wife and gear off at Ruby Ranch, move car to Mineral Bottom, get a shuttle back up to Ruby, then hit the water.

You just show up at Ruby Ranch. Close the gates behind you and bring plenty of cash to pay the self-serve fees. Good call on adding a day.
Thanks for the input. Looking through Ruby-Horsetheif camp rez's made convinced me that I want to do this the right way and spend more time on the Green. I think we'll do the green but add an extra day to the trip.

The BOR just upped outflows from Flaming Gorge. The Yampa snowmelt is tapering but there is still plenty of water coming downstream. Expect high water conditions. Less paddling will be required, but low water sandbar camps will not be available.
I think I am all set for next weekend. Two crappy questions... I have seen differing info around.
1. Are Wag-Bags or Reststop type bags permitted in Labyrinth?
2. Would a 5 gallon bucket with watertight screw top and wag bags be permissible to the regs?

I'd rather not rent a "groover" that I would have to clean or face a $50 cleaning fee, nor would I want someone to clean up for me...

One last question that's not crappy... Any good (great) ideas for attaching a cheap as crap umbrella (alright it is a crappy question) to the frame of a 14' raft?
1. Are Wag-Bags or Reststop type bags permitted in Labyrinth?

As long as they're in a watertight container, yes. We made our own "wag bags" with kitty litter and ziplocks. Then we stored them in a watertight food container we had brought (an old pretzel container).

2. Would a 5 gallon bucket with watertight screw top and wag bags be permissible to the regs?

Yes. If you plan on a fire, you need to pack your ashes out in a waterproof container as well.

The regs are really clearly outlined here:

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