Keyhole Canyon


Oct 1, 2012
The trip with the nieces is just days away and I see the temps in Zion are getting around 100 degrees. We're doing Keyhole Canyon as one of our trips and from pics I've seen people wear wetsuits. My question is, is it necessary to wear a wetsuit when it's 100 degrees out? I know the water will be chilly, and the slot will be cooler, but is it really necessary to wear a wetsuit? We'd be renting them from Zion Adventure Co and I don't trust them to give me an honest answer…...
I'm guessing that, yes, you'll still want wetsuits despite the warm air temps. Check out this link; plenty of comments about the cold water and wetsuits. Only one of the reports is recent, but scroll back to June dates in the past and there are a few reports of it being too cold.
Depends on a few factors. How many people do you have going? how experienced are all of you at canyoneering? Whats your tolerance for cold? and many more factors that change the answer to that question.

I've done it without a wetsuit several times with friends who know what they are doing so we don't have to sit around in the water while we set up rappels or while the person in front of you down climbs.

The first slot section isn't one most people would need a wetsuit, but the 2nd section is deep and rarely sees the sun all year long. This is where you'd get cold and wish you had a wetsuit. Could you get through without one? yes. Would it be as enjoyable? probably not.

I'd say get one because you'll be able to take your time and enjoy the canyon more if you have it. If you don't want one you'll probably be rushing through to avoid hypothermia... two cents.
I'd say get one because you'll be able to take your time and enjoy the canyon more if you have it. If you don't want one you'll probably be rushing through to avoid hypothermia... two cents.

Excellent advice! That decides it, we will get wetsuits. The most important thing is to enjoy the experience. Thanks so much!

Oh yes, one more thing: I can't decide what camera to bring. The two choices are a Canon 5D MkIII in a dry bag, or a Kodak point and shoot. I've never rappelled before-can it be done with a tripod and saddlebag around your waist? I don't care if the tripod gets banged up and wet but I do want my camera to come out alive if it's the 5D. I also want to get the best pics possible. Advice?
I agree with what the others have said. It stays nice and cold down in the depths of that lower section. If you wanted to test the water, you could walk/swim up from the bottom until it gets deep and dark, but I'd just go ahead and get the wetsuits so you have a better time.

You can rappel with your gear, you just need to put it in/on your backpack. Keep your waist clear so you don't have problems with the rappel. Personally, I wouldn't bother with the big camera. Keyhole is just back to back chambers and pools and hardly even anywhere to setup a tripod that isn't in water. You would certainly get some great shots, but it takes a lot of work sitting in cold water and worrying about keeping things dry. If you do dry bag it, do it in two dry bags and remove all the air and put it in the top of your pack. Fully submerged dry bags are not very reliable.
Personally, I wouldn't bother with the big camera. Keyhole is just back to back chambers and pools and hardly even anywhere to setup a tripod that isn't in water. You would certainly get some great shots, but it takes a lot of work sitting in cold water and worrying about keeping things dry. If you do dry bag it, do it in two dry bags and remove all the air and put it in the top of your pack. Fully submerged dry bags are not very reliable.

Wow, glad I asked! I think it's just going to be the point and shoot. MTN_DUDE's pics from Keyhole were so awesome I had the impression it was a large chambered canyon, but if it's going to be a difficult set up for shots I think I'd rather just take snapshots and have fun. Save the set up for the Narrows. :D
I've done Keyhole Canyon last summer with friends on a hot day and I was so glad to have my long wetsuit and not a shorty. I'm always extremely cold and even with a small group like ours I was more than happy about having my wetsuit.
I'm not sure how cold tolerant you are, Laura, but I would never go without a wetsuit.

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