InReach Mini on sale for $249 right now


Mar 1, 2015
675 REI, costco, etc. I'm not sure how often these go on sale for $100 off, so I thought I'd raise awareness here. I just ordered mine from Costco because they apparently throw in a free month of satellite service (which I'll definitely use) as well as a backpack tether (which I will likely not use).

Now I need to figure out which subscription/plan will work best for me (and once I look more into those, I may well return it for something cheaper!)
I just picked one up at Cabelas at that price. Paid less than the used asking price on ebay.

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I keep waffling on picking up one of these, mostly because it seems like my subscriptions just keep going up and up. If I do I will definitely keep an eye out for these sales.
If I didn't already have my old but still serviced Delorme InReach, I'd strongly consider the Zoleo. Hardware for that is only $200 new. Biggest difference is there's no screen on it, but if you're going to pair with a phone anyway and take good care of that phone when out in the backcountry, it may well be the best value out of the box. It runs on the same iridium satellite network.
If I didn't already have my old but still serviced Delorme InReach, I'd strongly consider the Zoleo. Hardware for that is only $200 new. Biggest difference is there's no screen on it, but if you're going to pair with a phone anyway and take good care of that phone when out in the backcountry, it may well be the best value out of the box. It runs on the same iridium satellite network.
Yeah, in my quick research I was intrigued by the Zoleo, as it seems like a cleaner/simpler setup (I plan on always pairing it with the phone), I don't care about GPS tracking and such (I'm just getting this for the SOS, the weather updates, and especially the two-way messaging), and I've read some good reviews. However, the upfront cost difference is fairly minimal---200 for the Zoleo vs 250 for the InReach Mini during this sale---and I do like that the Inreach Mini can function independently of the phone, just in case the phone dies (pretty unlikely) or runs out of battery (much more likely) during a trip. And besides, the subscription costs dominate the overall long-term cost and are really what make these devices all expensive anyway. For that reason, I still plan on comparing the various plans and I might return the Mini and go with a different brand; like @swmalone says, these plans really are expensive. I'm also intrigued by the bivystick blue (the new one), but I think I'd like something with more of a track record.
Now I need to figure out which subscription/plan will work best for me (and once I look more into those, I may well return it for something cheaper!)
If SPOT is one of those cheaper candidates, be wary of their deceptive subscription fee practices; it's why I switched to an InReach Mini. When I originally got a SPOT they sent me an annual email prior to each renewal period, stating the new annual subscription fee. Around the time they stopped doing this they started hiking the prices as much as $60 in a year. I spoke to customer service and my only other option was to turn-off autopay and set my own calendar reminder to check subscription pricing before I renewed.

In contrast, I get a monthly statement from Garmin stating how much I will be charged.
Yeah, in my quick research I was intrigued by the Zoleo, as it seems like a cleaner/simpler setup (I plan on always pairing it with the phone), I don't care about GPS tracking and such (I'm just getting this for the SOS, the weather updates, and especially the two-way messaging), and I've read some good reviews. However, the upfront cost difference is fairly minimal---200 for the Zoleo vs 250 for the InReach Mini during this sale---and I do like that the Inreach Mini can function independently of the phone, just in case the phone dies (pretty unlikely) or runs out of battery (much more likely) during a trip. And besides, the subscription costs dominate the overall long-term cost and are really what make these devices all expensive anyway. For that reason, I still plan on comparing the various plans and I might return the Mini and go with a different brand; like @swmalone says, these plans really are expensive. I'm also intrigued by the bivystick blue (the new one), but I think I'd like something with more of a track record.

Yeah...I'm on the Freedom plan with InReach + minimum use plan form Spring-Fall. I usually deactivate from November through April when I'm less active in the backcountry and don't usually stray too far away from cell service during those months. One thing I also do with InReach because it so relatively cheap is their SAR insurance. It's a small cost for up to $100K coverage.
Yeah...I'm on the Freedom plan with InReach + minimum use plan form Spring-Fall. I usually deactivate from November through April when I'm less active in the backcountry and don't usually stray too far away from cell service during those months. One thing I also do with InReach because it so relatively cheap is their SAR insurance. It's a small cost for up to $100K coverage.
+1, the backcountry insurance is available with any GEOS plan. It's a great deal.

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