High Uintas Wilderness Rock Creek Basin


Jun 3, 2014
I experienced the High Uintas Wilderness last year and am now hooked. We experienced the southern portion of the Granddaddy basin to Allen Lake. This year we are planning on the upper Rock Creek basin VIA Granddaddy through Rocky Sea pass to the Jack and Jill Lakes and surrounding area. Does anyone have any information on the area and if it is in good condition. We enjoy fly fishing and getting off the beaten path.
You'll have a good time back there. Very pristine area with a lot less traffic than Grandaddy. Just curious though, why access via Grandaddy? Heading in from Hayden Pass on the Highline is probably a bit more direct, or if you really want to get your socks knocked off, head up West Fork Black's Fork and access via Dead Horse Pass.
Thank you so much for the response and that is exactly the input I was looking for. Due to my lack of knowledge in the area I was just jumping off from the same point as last year. We are coming from the South and thought it might be quicker but a closer look at the map shows it is just as close but a different hike altogether. It is very gracious of you to share and due to your input you have given me the pause on the planned route and now I’m looking forward to getting my “socks knocked off”. Thanks again and hope to cross paths one day.


Its a really beautiful area. A lot of lakes. I've seen lots of Elk up there, and got chased by a momma moose for 30 minutes once just south of that basin. I don't recall ever seeing many people out there. I've always just taken the highline trail over Rocky Sea Pass. You will have a great time!
Rumor has it Reconnaissance Lake in upper Rock Creek will blow your mind.
Rumor has it Reconnaissance Lake in upper Rock Creek will blow your mind.

We barely made it over Dead Horse Pass last year (due to sketchy weather) and continued on to Reconnaissance Lake. It was a beautiful area... I was hoping the weather would cooperate better for us. We were essentially in the cold clouds the whole time we were at Reconnaissance. We stayed as long as we could (decent Brook trout)... until the cold, wind, and misty rain got the better of us above treeline. Reconnaisance Lake is in the cirque just to the right of Triangle Mountain in the 2nd photo... we later titled the 2nd photo "Escape from Triangle Mountain".


Sorry for the fishing pole marring the photos.

I would go back.

What awesome input. Okay the plan is now start at WFBF and go over Dead horse . Hang out in Rock Creek Basin for several days to hit Young , Thompson , reconnaissance then slip over the saddle to either Allsop or Priod than back to WFBF to complete the loop. Has anyone ever slipped over from Rock creek to either basin and if so what was the approach or does it make more sense to go back to Dead Horse and slip over to Allsop? Thanks in advance....
Has anyone ever slipped over from Rock creek to either basin and if so what was the approach or does it make more sense to go back to Dead Horse and slip over to Allsop? Thanks in advance....

Went over the pass the other direction (from Priord to Upper Rock Creek last summer)... beautiful area and it was not as difficult as I expected. You can see my TR for that hike HERE.
What awesome input. Okay the plan is now start at WFBF and go over Dead horse . Hang out in Rock Creek Basin for several days to hit Young , Thompson , reconnaissance then slip over the saddle to either Allsop or Priod than back to WFBF to complete the loop. Has anyone ever slipped over from Rock creek to either basin and if so what was the approach or does it make more sense to go back to Dead Horse and slip over to Allsop? Thanks in advance....

That sounds like an epic trip. I am jealous.

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