High frame rate camera


Aug 9, 2007
I'm on the hunt for some cameras for work (need 30+ of them). The specs I need are a little odd so I'm having trouble finding the sweet spot. Here are my criteria:

High Frame Rate
Needs to be at least 60fps, preferably 120fps
Must record the high frame rate in at least 720p
Must have a screen or view finder
Must not record video in AVCHD, .mov would be ideal
Ideal if it's not super wide angle, it will be used to analyze exercise movements

Any suggestions? A GoPro fits the package except for the need to add the screen and the fact that it's way too wide angle. Is it possible to do on-camera cropping for a tighter shot with a GoPro?
I thought the new one you could get a live view on a smart phone. I could be dreaming that I read that some where... as for the wide angle I know I ran into a few places that modify Gopro's once while randomly surfing the net maybe they have a fix for that if you googled. Sorry not much help here.

Again I am out of my knowledge set her but I googled "modified gopro angle" and came up with this site


didn't poke around but maybe what you are looking for
I've been reading about the GoPro 3 (I think the 2 had a similar feature) and apparently there is a Wide, Medium and Narrow field of view option. The resolution on the Medium and Narrow are reduced if I'm understanding correctly, however (like a digital zoom I suppose). Here's a comparison video I found:

I ended up ordering a Hero 3 for testing. It's really amazing how far ahead the GoPro is compared to pretty much every other consumer camera on the market when it comes to high frame rate in HD. I also ordered a Panasonic ZS20 that does 60fps in HD. Hopefully the 60fps will be sufficient...

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