Grand Gulch Spring Conditions


Desperately Seeking Sandstone
Jan 21, 2012
Has anyone been through Grand Gulch in the last couple weeks? I'm wondering what the spring conditions are looking like from Kane Gulch to Polly's Canyon. I called the ranger station and left a message this morning, but they haven't called back and are already closed for the day.
Trip thru the lower end the 3rd week April. Dry is the word........ no snow up on Bears Ears, very little on the Dark Canyon Plateau that we could see. No much on the Blues going around thru Moab. They did get a late snow storm, but it will melt fast with none on the ground and the temps. Best bet is getting the ranger station.
Trip thru the lower end the 3rd week April. Dry is the word........ no snow up on Bears Ears, very little on the Dark Canyon Plateau that we could see. No much on the Blues going around thru Moab. They did get a late snow storm, but it will melt fast with none on the ground and the temps. Best bet is getting the ranger station.

Thanks Bob! I've been a little worried about it based on how dry things have been down south this year. I'll try calling the ranger station again in the morning.
I spoke with the ranger station this morning, so I decided to share what they told me in case it's useful to anyone else. We are going in at Government Trail and exiting at Kane Gulch so I didn't ask about the lower half of Grand Gulch. Polly's Spring is doing good, but then there is no more reliable water heading up Grand Gulch until Necklace Spring in Step Canyon. The rest of the springs from Step Canyon up to Kane Gulch are doing pretty good.

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