Glacier National Park in Mid July


Nov 23, 2016
Permit system opens in 2 weeks. Considering Many Glacier to Goat Haunt or St Marys to Two Medicine. For either trip:
  1. is there a desired route - ie MG to GH or GH to MG and same with the other two? Which route gives you a better trip?
  2. I know it is early but an snow indications for these trails in July? Was it a bad winter out there?
I am open to other suggestions too, looking for something 4 days/3 nights. Read the postings about Many Glacier and expecting traffic, though we assume (maybe incorrectly) if we get up early and get to the park when it opens we shouldn't have as many issues getting in, finding a spot and starting our trip (if we pick option 1).

Our dates are fairly fixed, but we are open to point to point or shuttle type hikes - and we are willing to rent 2 cars to help with point to point logistics as well.

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