Gaia GPS: Sharing Tracks and Waypoints


Apr 7, 2018
Thanks to recommendations here I have been using and enjoying the Gaia GPS app now for a couple of years. Recently, I tried to share a track and associated waypoints with a friend that also has Gaia GPS. But, I have been unable to successfully do so. I'm not grasping something. Could someone here who has done this please take a moment and walk me through the steps!

Thank you!
1) on the Map screen zoom into the area on the map, then tap/touch the waypoint or track --> then a white highlighted rectangular box pops up with an "i" inside a circle, see an example below where I tapped the red track "Lower Calf Creek"


2) tap/touch the "i" (not arbitrary inside the white box, but the "i").
When you touch the "i" a NEW SCREEN shows, see below example. Notice the 3 tiny green circles top right?


3) tap the 3 tiny circles (top right corner) and a new "pop screen" shows many options, then tap/choose "Export"


4) A new pop screen asks you to choose the File type, choose GPX


5) a new screen shows various options, like "Messages", "Mail", "Save to file", etc.
Choose one method, it's often pretty easy to just text it or Mail it, so for instance Message or Mail.
If you have trouble with step 5, then I can private message you (I have friends names show up as suggestions, so I can't publish the screenshot here)

6) The person you are sending it to, then has to IMPORT the file.

Let me know if you have any questions!
I followed along with my wife executing the instructions in her app as I read them to her all the way until she texted me the GPX file. At that point I’m supposed to Import that file. First, not sure if I simply leave it in my text message or where/how to save it elsewhere. Second, I cannot seem to find an Import option anywhere within the Gaia GPS app. Converts files may help? Don't use gaia tho.
so when you receive the gpx file into your text messages, just tap the file (a new screen will open with lots of weird coding/lines), like this:


-Now Tap the bottom left blue "forward-arrow" button and a NEW window opens with several options of what to do with that file.
"Message", "Gaia GPS", "Mail", etc, "Save to Files".

-Click "Gaia GPS" and the file gets imported. All done.
(Alternatively you can "save to file", then import, if you don't see the Gaia listed as a choice.

Try that- but I will write an option for importing the file (should you one day want to import a downloaded file from the internet)
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To import files into Gaia:

See the "plus"surrounded by a circle? (top second from right), Tap that

A pop screen opens, like this, tap/choose "import file"

Now you choose a folder where the file is located ( "downloads", if you got it from the internet), or another folder, for instance you could have saved your wife's gpx files in folder called Gaia.
Tap the folder, then tap the file from your wife, all done, it's imported. Check on your map.
YES! Ok, that worked to get me the Track saved to my app where I can open it in my main map. Perfect!

Now, the Track did not have any associated waypoints. Is there a step my wife omitted when she sent me the file? There were five waypoints that she created on that Track.
Thank you for the tip on importing files! I use that screen all the time to create waypoints, but had not remembered the Import File option was there as I’ve never used that. Thanks!
Now, the Track did not have any associated waypoints. Is there a step my wife omitted when she sent me the file? There were five waypoints that she created on that Track.

I am not sure about that, I can look tomorrow. If you need it quick, you can just repeat the process for each of the 5 waypoints.

Now- Rick and I have the same logID on Gaia GPS. So everything automatically synchronizes between all our devices: i-phones, ipad, computer.
Therefore Rick doesn't need to import my waypoints, routes, tracks, we have the same info...., always (and he is very careful to not mess with all my very important hiking information on Gaia ).
Hey, I appreciate your help! Good method using same ID. In my situation, we have several friends that hike and ride horses all over the Forest and they use Gaia. We’d like to be able to share Tracks and waypoints. More than just my wife and I. But, you’ve often me a LOT farther than I’ve been! Thank you!
Yes! my wife can export each waypoint to me one at a time via the method you outlined, as a GPX file. It is tedious, but it sure works! Woohoo!
I am not sure about that, I can look tomorrow. If you need it quick, you can just repeat the process for each of the 5 waypoints.

Now- Rick and I have the same logID on Gaia GPS. So everything automatically synchronizes between all our devices: i-phones, ipad, computer.
Therefore Rick doesn't need to import my waypoints, routes, tracks, we have the same info...., always (and he is very careful to not mess with all my very important hiking information on Gaia ).

I have never explored the use of Folders in Gaia. I don't know why I'd use them. But, perhaps this is one reason. Is it possible to put Tracks and Waypoints into a folder and then export that folder to another Gaia user? And, if yes, would the recipient then be able to install everything in the folder?

Are there other reasons to use Folders?

I have never explored the use of Folders in Gaia. I don't know why I'd use them. But, perhaps this is one reason. Is it possible to put Tracks and Waypoints into a folder and then export that folder to another Gaia user? And, if yes, would the recipient then be able to install everything in the folder?

Are there other reasons to use Folders?

Uh... I'm not sure, I don't use the folders. I vaguely remember having trouble grasping the Gaia folder system, when I first started using the app. Probably should use them, but I have done ok without. Randy is much more organized with waypoint and GPS routes IMO, so he might know if it's possible:

@IntrepidXJ - do you know, can it be done what @john.maldaner asks ?
Think it’s explained in this lengthy video (I didn’t make it through the end.)
Just to jump in here since I received some waypoint information from @Titans recently, much appreciated by the way. I like to do a lot of route planning on my laptop and then use my phone for navigation. Make sure that you have everything marked as visible on any device you want to see it on. I could see some things on the laptop but they weren't showing on my phone even though it said it was synced. The folders I had placed them in were marked as visible but I had to go in and select each individual waypoint and mark as visible. I have absolutely no idea why some things seem to default to visible and others to not visible.

I will admit I am a novice Gaia user and often get frustrated with some aspects of it, but at the same time is has been extremely useful for when exploring new areas or sharing waypoints and routes like you plan to do. Also I love playing around with all of the various overlays. The wildfire overlay came in extremely handy this past summer when planning trips.
Thanks for all the feedback! I am enjoying Gaia. I hope this additional question doesn’t get buried, but I have noticed something a little odd.

Have you ever used Gaia alongside another person using Gaia on their phone? Today, my wife and I hiked a nice area. My Gaia showed we hiked 5.4 miles. My wife‘s showed 3.8 miles. We both started tracking at the same place within ten seconds of each other and finished tracking at the same place and time. There was a little variance in our hike, but that could account for less than a tenth of a mile at most. Why the difference? BTW, both of us use the same model iPhone and have the app up to date.E5C42B61-D0A0-4FAC-B4D5-67CFFF1AF139.jpeg From today’s hike.
Uh... I'm not sure, I don't use the folders. I vaguely remember having trouble grasping the Gaia folder system, when I first started using the app. Probably should use them, but I have done ok without. Randy is much more organized with waypoint and GPS routes IMO, so he might know if it's possible:

@IntrepidXJ - do you know, can it be done what @john.maldaner asks ?
You're not the only one who doesn't understand how the folders are automatically generated nor how to best use them. It is not intuitive to me even after I had a lengthy conversation with a Gaia support person on the subject. There are two reasons, however, why I'm interested in learning how to use them...(1) If you're sharing a bunch of tracks and waypoints for, say, Capitol Reef, with a friend and you want to send over a single file containing all those tracks and waypoints then it's much easier if those tracks and waypoints are in the same folder. (2) As the number of tracks and waypoints continues to grow it may get to the point where we can't hold all that info on a particular device. I've read that archiving folders that contain data that you're not using during your current outing is beneficial.
I haven't researched it much. At first I thought it might be due to one watch losing GPS signal for some reason or another, and I suppose that is possible, but when we looked at the routes they appeared to be identical just with different distances. It can be a little frustrating but so far it hasn't been a major inconvenience and it happens very rarely.

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