Freeze Dry Food


New Member
Jan 27, 2012
Hey guys, I am sick of carrying heavy food. I have recently come across freeze dry food. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for where to buy it and what meals tasted the best.

Our Costco has a deal going 10 packets of Mountain House for $50-$54 - so that's $5.40 a meal.

Also, if you're affiliated with a scout troop, you can register with Mountain House and get a discount on food items they sell. I'm unsure of the discount, but Mark would know. Let's see if we can get him to chime in here.
As with anything taste it at home before you take it out into the bush, if you can't gag it down at home you will have a hard time in the hills and harder time at altitude :)

personally I just dehydrate my own but when in doubt some mountain house spaghetti does the job :)
I don't do gluten anymore but I used to love the Mountain House dinners, especially the beef stroganoff and the lasagna. Really, really good stuff in my opinion.
I like the Mountain House dinners as well.
I would like to find some good recipes for DIY dehydrated meals. I think you could do your own cheeper and healthier.
I am all over the mexican style stuff like chili and Frito Pie and in my experiance, they taste the best. I also usually have a few of the deserts that are offered by backpackers pantry and another company that slips my mind. If you can find apple crisp it is great. I often have a least one of my kiddos with me on shorter trips and both they and my wife can get grouchy. All it takes is pulling out a nice sweet desert and their mood usually picks right back up. They of course don't know that's why I carry them but they have worked wonders for me.
I just tried the mtn house Mexican rice and beans. Thought it was great. Enough food for two people. I wish I had brought a few tortillas for it.
to add to DOSS's recommendation:

pick up this book, A Fork in the Trail


this canoe tripping chef has got it dialed.

before you check out. you'll need add a vacuum sealer to the basket.


beats the pants off of any commericaled industrialized freeze-dried backpacker's food.

oh, make sure you purchase this through amazon via backcountrypost. ;)
Those vacuum sealers are sweet. I don't use them for food much but use them to store produce from my garden. Definatly keeps the stink in and keeps things fresh for months.
Hey guys, I am sick of carrying heavy food. I have recently come across freeze dry food. I was wondering if anyone had any tips for where to buy it and what meals tasted the best.


Freeze Dry Guy offers a variety of Mountain House products and sampler kits if you want to try things out first!

Nick - we just added a Gluten Free line (Gourmet Reserve) which will be live on our site within the next few days!
I use Mountain House too, love the spaghetti. I have branched out and started to do my own freezer bag cooking (I refuse to do dishes on the trail). I have gotten a lot of good recipes from Trail Cooking I usually look at the Freezer Bag Cooking. I see someone has already posted this link. Glad to be in good company.
Check out bablefish5 channel on your tube. He does lots of homemade meal prep and dehydration that beats the pants off anything commercially available cause you control what goes in it. Or for the quick, cheap and easy just pick up the knor dinner rice and pasta packs for 88 cents at walmart and add packaged chicken, spam, tuna or salmon. My kids love these enough they beg me to make them at home when my wife is at work.

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