Druid Arch Trail Spring


Feb 12, 2014
I'm planning a trip to Canyonlands/Chesler Park this March. This will be my first trip to this section of Canyonlands. Looking at the map I see that it has a spring along the Druid Arch Trail. Is this spring actually there? And would it be there in mid March?
Just trying to see how much water to bring. It'll only be a two day/one night trip.
Any help would be great, thanks.
Yes, that spring is actually there. Mid-march should be a decently safe bet. If you call the Needles visitors center, they'll absolutely know for sure whether it's flowing or not, as it's the only real backcountry water source west of Salt Creek. You might even bring a few extra Gatorade bottles with you when you go to pick up your permit and just ask them then; if it's not flowing just fill up the extra bottles and carry them. Even if it's not flowing, there should be a few pools (in various degrees of stagnation, but beggers can't be choosers).

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