Album Bugs

Time to post some more bugs. Thought I'd do some dragonflies and a damselfly.
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly

Variegated Meadowhawk

12 Spotted Skimmer

Halloween Pennant

Common White Tail

Band-winged Meadowhawk

Widow Skimmers

Common Pondhawk

Plains Clubtail
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Time to post some more bugs. Thought I'd do some dragonflies and a damselfly.
Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly
View attachment 79129

Variegated Meadowhawk
View attachment 79131

12 Spotted Skimmer
View attachment 79132

Halloween Pendant
View attachment 79133

Common White Tail
View attachment 79130

Band-winged Meadowhawk
View attachment 79134

Widow Skimmers
View attachment 79135

Common Pondhawk
View attachment 79137

Plains Clubtail
View attachment 79136
Wow, outstanding pics of Odonata!
Never seen one before, a Katydid

That's because of the camouflage ;)
in the aspens in my yard we have a battle of three armies going on in late summer over our heads... Katydids, Mantids, and birds.
Luckily some of them survive each year. I like the calls of the Katydids at night.
Hey time for trip reports lately, but had to share some these ladybug pictures.

Bobbie and I had hiked this trail before and a person was kind enough to point out that there were thousands of ladybugs EVERYWHERE. On the ground, covering the bushes, they all just blended in so well we didn't notice them. I didn't get great photos when we originally went a couple years ago and I have been determined to go back and try again! They hibernate there every year.

I took this opportunity to train with my pack AND make a second attempt at photos.

It kinda looks like this for an entire ~1000sqft area. You gotta watch where you step, sit, or drop your pack.

01.21 Stevens Trail 3.jpg 01.21 Stevens Trail 31.jpg

01.21 Stevens Trail 6.jpg

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01.21 Stevens Trail 22.jpg
Came home to this death match on my front porch.
Never seen a "wasp"? like this.
We have lots of sand wasps, but they are more iridescent blue or green normally.

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That's a Robber Fly! Asilidae Family. I don't know a ton about bugs but here's what I do know:
I like bugs but These guys Freak Me Out. They prey on other bugs and insects with a powerful bite and sometimes a paralyzing toxin? Then they they suck out the poor critters guts through the bite hole they've made, usually on the base of the head. Sometimes you can find dead bugs with a hole in them like this. Last week I saw one catch a cicada mid-air!!!

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