Book Cliffs: Horse Canyon


May 29, 2013
This is the last part of our trip to the Book Cliffs east of Green River. It will us bring back onto I 70.

(The other parts:
- Right Hand Tusher Canyon
- Tusher Canyon Bench
- Coal Canyon Bench )

Coal Canyon Bench ends approximately at 12S 0587390 4319130 where the road winds around a cliff. Nearly a shelf road at this point. The following canyon with several branches limits the width of the road in some places but not too much to become scary. The scenery is governed by impressive grey and tan cliffs.


Between Coal Canyon bench and Horse Canyon

After a while Horse Canyon opens up. Its appearance is different from the benches to the west. It is a more or less wide open valley what might be caused by the fact that the canyon branches into serveral arms.


Wide open Horse Canyon

The road turns south and into the much narrower lower part of Horse Canyon. Eventually it reaches Gunnison Valley, the railroad tracks and old US 6.



The first mile of Lower Horse Canyon is a bit narrow but not deep


Log Cabin

What was the cabin good for?

Interesting: The wash in Horse Canyon is called Browns Wash.

Eight miles to the south is an underpass of the railroad, two miles more old US 6 , in the 1950ies the longest road in the US. Today it sinks into oblivion, is no longer maintained.


Old eastbound US 6

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