
Mar 3, 2014
I've looked through just about every thread on this forum and don't recall ever coming across a "Bigfoot" thread. Haha I have been watching survivorman: Bigfoot every Friday, and last night it really got me thinking, so I thought I would start a thread about it.

I don't have any opinions on the Bigfoot. He's either real or he's not right? I'm curious to know everyone's thoughts and opinions on Bigfoot. Do you believe in him or not?

If anyone has any story's I would love it if you shared them with us. Makes for good camp fire talk.
@Nick wrote about his encounter here
Supposedly, the Cuberant basin has a history of Bigfoot encounters.

As for me, it's hard to believe that there are enough of them that they have been able to maintain their species over such a long period of time and over such a large geography and yet be undetected. So, list me among the skeptical. That's not to say that those who have had encounters did not, in fact, encounter something. I just don't think it was a bipedal creature. It does make for good campfire talk and there is always that slight chance that maybe . . . .
I've looked through just about every thread on this forum and don't recall ever coming across a "Bigfoot" thread. Haha I have been watching survivorman: Bigfoot every Friday, and last night it really got me thinking, so I thought I would start a thread about it.

I don't have any opinions on the Bigfoot. He's either real or he's not right? I'm curious to know everyone's thoughts and opinions on Bigfoot. Do you believe in him or not?

If anyone has any story's I would love it if you shared them with us. Makes for good camp fire talk.
Oh, he is real I snapped a pic of him at the beach. Check him out...;)

I haven't watched any of the Survivorman Bigfoot shows. In fact, I can't really watch his show at all anymore now that we know what a fake he is too. As for bigfoot, I'll believe it when there is proof. There have been a lot of odd stories out of Cuberant though. The one about the boy scout troop where they all saw it together is hard to ignore. I honestly have no clue at all what I saw, it was just eyes.
IMO, every Sasquatch hoax is a work of art. I don't think for a second that there is one, but I love the work, and creativity that goes into the new "evidence" every few years.
Just found this thread. Always an interesting topic over a few beers. The Survivor Man series on Bigfoot just proves what many people already know. Les Stroud is a sellout and if this show is to be believed as "authentic", he is pretty close to an idiot.

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