Beta needed Grand Gulch area


Mar 3, 2013
Anybody been down any part of the side canyon system that is about 3 miles up Grand Gulch from the San Juan, going to the east? Planning a trip in two weeks, looking at dropping in this canyon and coming out Water Canyon to the truck. Can't seem to find anything in my notes....
Hey Bob! I was just down there last week for Spring Break. We did a through Hike from Kane Gulch Ranger Station down to the San Juan and met up with a river trip to float out. The side canyon you're referring to must be what the BLM rangers and Kelsey Call "Shangrila" Its pretty amazing, however, the 3 miles you're assuming I feel like may be a bit longer and will certainly "feel" longer going up hill and doing some boulder hopping. I have info about the hike up including a sketchy place where we had a hiker go a head and pave out a trail for our group. If you're interested in more info just let me know!
NAYR ...... pm'd you.
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That's our day 5 camp site down at Shaw Arch! SUPER cool!

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Our three man crew that broke off on our side hike up Shangri La! Day 6.

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Day 6. Hours only after Shangri La and a very welcomed cooler full of Mountain Dew! The sand bars and wind on the San Juan were the worst things in the entire world! BBut we were still super glad to be off our feet. Trip Total from Kane Gulch to the San Juan was 52.7 miles + a variety of side hikes that our smaller crew went on. We did over 60 miles in 6 days! Boo yah!
That sounds EPIC! Pics or it never happened! :)
HOW DARE you doubt me sir Nick! I'll do a full TR on the trip when I'm not swamped with school and crap! I'm out of town in Red Rocks for a class next week, And then again the week after down in Goblin Valley for a trip I'm TL for. Then, it's Easter, THEN it's my brother's Wedding in St. George THEN it's finals, THEN it's my WFR certification for a week THEN it's a Labrynth Canyon Canoeing trip! THEN i'll consider spending the detailed and quality time I need to write a worthy trip report for such a "Grand" adventure!



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