Beartooths. Which trail to take in?


New Member
Aug 23, 2024
Hi. Doing 2 or 3 nights in the Beartooths in a couple of weeks. Need to do a loop or a very short hitch-hike/shuttle.

Anyways, I'm curious as to which trail to take up into the high country/plateau. There is Clark's Fork, West Fork, Lake Fork, Beartooth Lake, Island Lake, West Rosebud, etc... The reason for the dilemma is that I would love an amazing and stunningly beautiful valley approach before hitting the high country/plateau. I was just going to go up from Clark's Fork by Kersey Lake but I don't think the approach from there is very amazing (could be wrong though). Have a bit of research paralysis at this point.

I am thinking of doing Lake Fork Trail to Island Lake Trail but am unsure of how much bushwacking would be needed between where Sundance Pass trail breaks of from Island Lake trail and the high country/plateau.

Does anyone have any suggestions/info/insights?

Thank you!
Just an old fart's opinion but I think going anywhere south from Sundance Pass is going to involve some serious bushwhacking. The first several miles of FS 3 are a bit on the boring side and that doesn't get interesting until Bald Knob.

For a 3 night trip, you could start at Round lake and do the Aero/Rough//Sky top/Carin/Fossil/Fizzle/Recroitment/Splinter/Cliff loop but do not exit via the Broadwater River. The 88 fires made that more than a mess.
It is hard to judge by photos/online research. But would the approach of your suggested route to the alpine areas be as impressive as doing something like Lake Fork to Sundance pass or coming in via Island Lake? I would like an impressive valley first.... I am just being picky but would like to know if there is something like this.
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If you like long valley hiking start in the NE part . If you like broader canyons/lakes start in the south (ie Island Lake area). Two different types of hiking..huge climbs or gradual stuff. Both are scenic. Pick a spot to start, draw a route for you days out....

To me the Beartooths ore the southern part....
You could do Lake Fork up past Second Rock Lake/Sky Pilot/High Pass/Jasper/Albino/Becker and then 620 to Island Lake. That upper end of Lake Fork is a bit challenging but doable. It is really scenic.