Arch Canyon - Mule Canyon Utah


Mar 13, 2012
A group of us are planning a backpacking trip in late April to southern Utah - initial plans are to hike up Arch canyon just west of Blanding. I have also noted that there are ruins in the same area in a canyon named Mule Canyon. These two canyons - Arch and Mule - somewhat parallel each other. Does anyone know if there is any feasibility of cross country hiking between the two canyons in one trip? Looks like from the topos if one can connect from the upper end that either a relatively short shuttle or even a short hike connect the two on the lower end. Any info would be appreciated.
I have looked at a Arch -Texas Canyon - North Mule Canyon loop before, out the end of Texas or vice versa. The issue would be how you get in or out of Arch Canyon without accessing it from the bottom, near Coomb Wash (and avoid a shuttle). It looks like maybe you could park at the bottom of North Mule, hike up to the end (I mean very end) and out, and then into the top of Texas Canyon. It looks like On google maps it may go, but it might not. Down Texas to Arch, down Arch a little ways and then out a side canyon (I have never tried this) to the right LDC, up to the mesa and over to the bottom of North Mule. This would be an epic loop hike!
How far do you want to hike?

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