Arachnid Terracotta Army (don't look if you hate spiders)


Mountain Carver
Feb 19, 2012
Cleaned out an uninhabitied, seldom visited section of my mom's basement, storage room, which included changing out some very old spider traps. Two of them were so loaded that I was certain there was an opportunity for some macro practice. I have been interested in macro shooting but have only dabbled in it a bit and without success. I want to get some good aquatic entomology shots this year as part of my fly fishing know....a mayfly sitting on a reel or my hand holding a of those that are very cliche and overdone in the fly fishing magazines but that doesn't bother me and i want some anyway. I thought this would be good practice even if it might be a tad weird. Interesting at least. Try as I might I just could not get what I would call and awesome, "arachnid terracotta army" shot. They do look like a miniature scene from a Harry Potter film, but not remarkable were they not spiders. Critique ideas about what you would have done differently are welcome. These were all taken with a Canon 550d and a Tamron 28-75 on a rock solid Oben tripod. I tried backlit and direct light. All were natural light. F stop ranged from 7.1 to 18.

I don't remember any macros being posted on here but am sure that someone here has tried it out a bit. Give me the secret! As you will see I had a hard time getting the DOF I wanted but was not using extension tubes.

LR-6427.jpg LR-6428.jpg LR-6431.jpg LR-6483-2.jpg

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