Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest


May 16, 2016
After coming off the trail 2 days early from my SEKI trip, I had to figure out what to do to fill a day. I randomly thought about bristlecone pines and a little googling I found the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest outside of Big Pine in the White Mountains. This turned out to be a great way to spend a day.

Looking across the Owens Valley towards the Sierra Nevada

Old miner's cabin

Bristlecone Pine

This is a couple thousand years old!?!?!

So is this

These trees are setup for great southern views (milky way photos) ...

... and this sign was nearby on the trail, I guess a lot of people have had the same thought :)

If you are ever in the area, this is a great way to spend a day. Highly recommended.