1-2 person lightweight tent suggestions ..


Sep 10, 2013
..... that don't require me to sell a kidney to afford it. I'd say up to $100. I am leaning toward a 2-person as to have room for gear but will consider a one person. I'm 5'6" with athletic build. I have a Koppen Hamr 3 person that weighs just over 5lbs but want smaller and lighter. Not interested in the open tarp setups as I'm not a big fan of being exposed and waking up wet and with bugs/critters all over me.
$100 is gonna be tough especially for a lightweight, quality tent. REI and Kelty make good, affordable tents. Might be able to find one in the $150-$200 range if you shop around.
this is the cheapest MSR tent I've seen but looks a little heavy...I'm a big fan of MSR, their tents have lasted me many years...

I'm about your size, I use a 1-person tent and keep my gear under the vestibule. Plenty of room.

Light weight or low price....going to have to choose one over the other...those extra ounces usually come with a premium price tag!
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x2, though "lightweight" means different things to different people. Do you consider lightweight under 8 lbs, or under 2 lbs?

How much do you plan to use it?

Probably not what you wanted to hear, but tents are one of those items that you really get what you pay for. $150-250 will get you a great tent. I have over 200 nights in my $300 tent, and it's easily got another 200 nights left before it needs to be replaced.
Like said above..... light weight or low price, doesn't usually go together. Lightweight for me is in the 2lb range. Can't beat a Tarptent Rainbow, what I use. The Tarptent Double rainbow is ample for two people.... but you are in the mid $200's. Will last a lot of years though!
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I am a certified gear snob. Having said that I am usually too broke to buy what I want when it first comes out. My all around tent is a 10 year old 4 season single wall Bibler I-tent (4.5 lbs). Although owned by Black Diamond now, they still make the same tent virtually unchanged. I bought mine used about 8 years ago for $350. I have never had a better all around single wall tent. Because they are so well made, you could nab a used one for a great price I think and get many years out of it. Downside is there is no mesh, no gazing at moonlit nights etc. I am not usually in my tent if it is a moonlit night though. I go cheap on some items, but a tent is not one of them (It is protecting a few thousand dollars worth of camera equipment usually). As an aside, the yellow color is pretty bright, but it's brightness has saved me a few times on Cedar Mesa, trying to find my tent. I am usually lost to some degree, and climbing a hill and seeing the neon yellow was comforting.
Keep an eye on the tents section at Sierra Trading Post and get on their email list. Wait until a 35% off coupon comes along and you can usually score a pretty nice tent for 60-70% off retail. I've gotten a ton of good gear through STP like that.
Check out Alps Mountaineering tents. You can usually find them for just over $100-$130. I have the Mystic 1.5. It's a great tent for one and can fit a second person if needed.
Golite is a good tent, but is overall a smaller than the Dbl Rainbow for the same weight. Both weigh about 2 lb 10 oz. Probably because the Tarptents are single walled, something not everyone likes. A heavier tent Blk Diamond, MSR, etc usually will take more adverse weather as well, tho not always the case. You will probably be happy with any major brand.
Watch for the REI used gear sale, you can pick up a returned or slightly damaged tent for killer cheap. You can also find good deals at the REI outlet online and don't forget Ebay!
I ended up buying a Sierra Desings ZIA 2 at Dick's sporting goods. It was on clearance for around $80.00. It's a bit heavy at 5 pounds, but the price was right for me. I'm like you not a huge fan of open tarp tents. At the time didn't have the extra scratch for a $250.00 and up tent. One of these day I will upgrade. I would eventually love to have a 25 pound pack. Here's to dreaming and hundreds of dollars spent...
Better to have a slightly heavier tent than something that is not intended for it at all. :) Plus when you end up upgrading, you'll have a 'loaner' for a buddy.

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