Tobacco Roots - Brownback/Pole Canyon Trail


Aug 17, 2015
As it was a little closer and somewhere I haven't tried, I took a 4-mile in and out from the upper Pole Canyon (Tr. 7157) trailhead. Thanks to John Goering for some tips! The trailhead starts at about 7,000' and makes a moderate descent for about 1.5 miles, before heading up for the next 2.5 miles. Then, it's another good downhill, and that's where I quit. There are a few switchbacks along the way. Much of the trail is in timber, which keeps it a little cooler, but offers few panoramic views. When I headed out yesterday around 9:30, it was in the high 40s.

The trailhead

The 5-mile road to the top is a little rough and bouncy, but nothing that requires a Jeep. You can start at the lower trailhead, which saves about 4 miles, but adds a climb of 3 miles and starts at 5,800'. The FS did a bunch of trail work here over the past two years, and I'm not sure that they got the trail signs corrected, or maybe I missed a marker. I took off on Tr. 7156 to venture out the Coalpit Trail, 7155. Although I was indeed on that trail, I never saw a marker other than the original 7156, which is well-marked along the way.

It should noted that the FS went to four-digit numbering a while back, for some reason. Below is a shot of what I think is Brownback Mt., 9,283' (left background)
Next is just a shot from one of the few places where one can get a good look at the country.

Last, is a shot out the windshield on the way down. There are very few places where two vehicles could drive alongside one another, and a few stretches where you don't want to get too close to he edge! I'm not sure that I'd go back again anytime soon, as there are so many places in the Tobacco Roots that truly are spectacular. Yet, it's nice to try places that are new.

If anyone's interested in a good map of the Tobacco Roots, Beartooth Publishing in Bozeman, MT, make a great one for about $12.00. 800-838-1058. It's plasticized and rather current.
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