Noob from Salt Lake


Jan 26, 2014
Hey Y'all,

Been lurking around BCP for a while mooching on all your great trip reports. Figured I better join and start sharing myself.

I am planning a trip at the end of March. Wanted to do Death Hollow via The Boulder Mail Trail. A little concerned that it is going to too cold but also figure that it will be just part of the adventure. Please chime in and tell me if I am foolish for going this early in the season.

If I do go ahead with the trip I will post a TR so others will have an idea what it's like this time of year.

Happy hiking!
Late March is a bit early for Death Hollow, in my opinion. I'd definitely save it for May/June or Sept/Oct. Maybe even summer with all the watery goodness in there. Just watch out for the monsoons and the bugs. For late March, I'd be heading for lower elevation destinations. Welcome to BCP!
Thanks for sharing your opinion. We are going to go somewhere else that weekend and save Death Hollow for a warmer time of year so we can enjoy the water rather than hate it.