High Uintas Ideas


Oct 6, 2015
I'm going to be visiting a friend near Ogden, Utah either the last week of June or the first week of July. We would like to do a 4 day/3 night backpacking trip in the High Uintas. We are experienced backpackers and will also have our 2 dogs, on leash, with us. Our main request is seclusion, and beautiful scenery of course. We backpacked around the Kamas Lake area 2 years ago and considered Ryder Lake for this trip but some reports say it will be crowded.
I appreciate any suggestions.
Could still be a fair bit of snow in some areas at that point, but if you aren't crossing any passes it could still be a nice trip. How many miles are you looking to cover?
Hiking in snow is not an issue unless it's more than a foot deep. We'd like to do 10 - 15 miles out, set up base camp and then do day hikes for a couple days. We will be doing this Monday - Thursday so maybe Ryder Lake won't be crowded mid week.
I doubt it'll be crowded with people...but it's usually crowded with bugs that time of year.
I've only been to Middle Basin 1x in the fall. I can only imagine how awesome it will be in July. If you're wanting to do a base camp I think that would be a good choice. A Monday - Thursday I don't think you'll see many people. If I remember right it's 10+ miles from the trail head so only the truly committed will be there.
Thanks, Ryder Lake it is. It looks like there are plenty of smaller lakes in the area for day hikes.
I was going to suggest that area as well. You could also bag any of the surrounding peaks if you were up for that as well.
That sounds good. Looks like I have three to choose from. Hayden Peak, Mount Agassiz and Spread Eagle Peak.
Yep. I think Hayden is a bit dicey, but Agassiz is pretty mellow from what I've heard.