

Aug 9, 2007
Just a heads up that I'll be making some changes to BCP that may affect some people's bookmarks and memorized links. Hopefully it won't, but if things don't go perfect, it might. I'm going to be moving the site so that it resides in the root at rather than like it is now. I'm thinking I'll pull the trigger on that later tonight, maybe tomorrow. If you run into any issues accessing the site, feel free to contact me at, or if the site is down and you don't remember that email, you can always reach me through the BCP Facebook page.


BCP is moving from:


But you shouldn't have to do anything. All links should automatically forward to the new, correct URLs.
I also notice the addition of the background image. Nice changes Nick! Thanks for running an A++ site.
Thanks, Ned. There was a background image there before, but that is a new one. The old one was some sculpted sandstone that was mostly visible in the header. This new one is of the Wind Rivers from Photographer's Point. I thought it looked cool to let it sink down into the posts a bit more.

Tapatalk is giving me an error - failed to connect to forum.
I love the addition of the "trip reports" section at the top of the page, along with the count of unread TRs.
'doh! I do like the counter though. It focused my attention up there.
I love the counter too . . . except now I "can't" work . . . too many TR to catch up on!
Good here so far. I like the counter but maybe tone the counter color down a bit. :)
is there a way to know which 52 we haven't read yet? Are the titles bold for threads we haven't read?
There is a little red arrow next to threads that have unread posts.


And of course forums with unread posts have a brighter cairn than ones with no unread posts.

I have to admit I hate the counter-it reminds me of being in college and seeing all the reading I was behind on just before a midterm/final. Not complaining mind you, just getting the anxiety off my chest. :frantic:
It seems to count up faster than I can read............ :stomp:
It seems to count up faster than I can read............ :stomp:
That's a good thing! Means I got something interesting to read!