Camping near Hanksville


Oct 5, 2014
In two weeks we will doing a little road trip with my parents which includes one night in Hanksville. I have booked them a motel for the night as they are not camping types. However, we prefer to camp in our van. Is anyone willing to share information on a spot nearby (e.g. on BLM land) that we would be able to camp at? Preferably no more than 10 minutes out of Hanksville. I know that there is a campground in Hanksville but we like to be away from others if possible. We have camped in the swell and Goblin Valley area several times but that is too far away. We could just drive up some of the nearby roads that I can see are on public land but as it will be dark when we arrive, I would prefer to have a general idea of where there are likely to be suitable places. Any ideas?

I suggest Poison Springs Canyon. It's your first dirt road left after mile marker 17 going towards Blanding. It's maybe 20ish miles out of Hanksville.