Aspen Grove (May 4 2012)


I slay white dragons, adventure, and take photos
Jan 20, 2012
MotionX Track: Aspen Grove (one-way)

I love hiking Timpanogos. I wanted to check things out this afternoon, but didn't get to get out as early as I intended due to work, and also because Timpanooke TH was closed, and I didn't find out until I was heading up to the Ranger pay station.

So, we turned around and went up Aspen Grove to see how the snow was melting.

The hike up to 2nd waterfall was easy with only a few small patches of unmelted snow along the trail. Something new to me was a deviation in the first part of the trail due to the heavy floods last year.

Here's looking back from just after the 2nd waterfall:

Still lots of snow from this waterfall and above, and I'd guess that it'll be a good month of warm temps before the snow fields above really start to melt good. I couldn't see any waterfalls above the 2nd waterfall because they were covered with snow.

Here's the snow left at the 2nd waterfall:


Me and the boys next:


I wish I got a photo of the mama and baby moose we passed on the way down - but they were probably 3 seconds of a fast gallop away from us, and we didn't notice them until we got past. So, after getting a quick peek we kept on trucking on down so as to not aggravate. Every time I've seen a mom and baby there, the male wasn't far away, and no one I know wants to get trampled.

My goal is to hike Timp 5 times this year. I think it'll be the first week of June and I'll check the trail out again. Have a great weekend!
Awesome. Looks kind of like July last year! :D
Yeah seriously! I was going over a bunch of snow fields in July, and was amazed at the melting rate each time I went up (3x up Timpanooke).
Yeah seriously! I was going over a bunch of snow fields in July, and was amazed at the melting rate each time I went up (3x up Timpanooke).

Good to know Bill isn't the only Timpaholic on backcountrypost! :lol: I haven't done it yet. Every time I've planned it, I back out because of all the people and I've been working on knocking out a bunch of Uinta locations the last few years. I need to change that in 2012...