Cedar Mesa March 2012


Jan 18, 2012
Took a trip down to Cedar Mesa with my 5 yr old boy and a buddy. We hit up The Citadel, Perfect Kiva in Slickhorn Canyon, The Seven Towers, and a site that my buddy and I had stumbled upon about 2 yrs ago when we were hiking accross the mesa top to the head of a canyon. I think that the site we stumbled upon is the midden to what used to be a pithouse. There are tons of pottery sherds of all kinds, pieces of flint, and 4 manos. We were also able to find charcoal remains and what I believe is the end piece of a wooden beam of the pithouse. Without digging(which is illegal) we will probably never know but it was still really cool to stumble accross the site like we did. The site was in the exact same condition as we left it 2 yrs ago. We also ended up stopping at Sego Canyon on the way home since my friend had never been there. I was really impressed by how well my son did hiking to The Citadel and Perfect Kiva. The Citadel is just under 6 miles round trip and a fairly easy mesa top hike with a little bit of scrambling to get down to The Citadel. Perfect Kiva is just under 9 miles but much more difficult. There is a very large dryfall that you have to negotiate and in the process you climb up to the top ledge of the canyon, follow it down canyon a ways, scramble back down into the canyon bottom and then scramble up the other side of the canyon to get to the alcove. Then you have to do it all over again on the way back. Another cool site we stumbled upon was as we were looking for a site in Slickhorn Canyon before we got to Perfect Kiva we found a passage way between two slabs of rock that was about 5 feet wide and about 20-30 yds long and led from the mesa top down to the first ledge in the canyon were the ruin we were looking for was located. I'm sure it was used by them to access the mesa top and may have even influinced their choice of site location. Here are some pics. I have a couple of short timelapse videos that I will add to the report later.

Huge alcove across the canyon as we hiked to The Citadel.

IMG_3833.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

We could see lots of ruins across the canyon as we hiked to The Citadel.

Ruins hidden in the shadows by Deadeye008, on Flickr

My boy and my buddy overlooking the canyon on the way.

IMG_3835.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

Lots of water in the potholes down there still. Even saw some snow patches still lingering down there.

IMG_3846.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

The Citadel

IMG_3852.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

On the land bridge

IMG_3857.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

Notice the rock on the left side of the picture. Looks like a monkey head to me...

IMG_3863.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_3866.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_3867.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

There were remains of two different defensive walls along the land bridge.

IMG_3887.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_3888.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_3879.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

Our campsite at Road Canyon had such a great view. We were literally right on the edge of the canyon.

IMG_4037.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4059.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

Long passage way that led to the mesa top

IMG_4078.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4081.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4072.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

Up on the ledge

IMG_4098.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4101.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4123.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4106.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

Lots more water

IMG_4131.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

The following are shots from the mesa top site we stumbled upon 2 yrs ago.

IMG_4135.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4137.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4138.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4139.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4148.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4156.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4161.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4180.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4343.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4353.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4344.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

Notice the faint BCS rock art on this panel. It looks very, very similiar to the Buckhorn Wash panel.

IMG_4362.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

IMG_4364.jpg by Deadeye008, on Flickr

Featured image for slideshow:
Awesome trip report! Really makes me want to get my arse down there. That big red pottery shard is very cool and that huge alcove looks totally out of place in the wall of that canyon. Good stuff.
Awesome TR. Did you do that second video with your gopro? Or with your regular camera?
Awesome TR. Did you do that second video with your gopro? Or with your regular camera?

The second timelapse wwas shot with my DSLR. I haven't tried a night timelapse with the Gopro but I know video on it is really noisey in low light. I'll have to give it a shot and see how it turns out. You could probably get decent results if you had it pointed at a campfire.

that place is on my list for a future trip. One day....

Anyway, wonderful TR and just looking at the pictures want me to get there and explore.
When is the best time to see Cedar Mesa and eventually do a backpacking trip?

Spring and Fall are the best times in my opinion. Spring being the best because of availabilty of water if you are backpacking. I have also been down there in January and it was nice because nobody was there but it was pretty chilly(single digits) at night because of the elevation. High's were right around 50 though which I think is perfect for hiking. It doesn't get super hot down there because of the elevation but it does get pretty warm in the summer months. Average elevation on Cedar Mesa is 6500ft.
Nice trip report. Did your son walk 9 miles to the Perfect Kiva!!! Amazing. Kids hardcore. Do you mind if I pm on some of the particulars of your trip? I think I have a good feel for the Citadel and the 7 Kivas, still working on Falling roof. I'm just trying to loop them all together. thanks
Nice trip report. Did your son walk 9 miles to the Perfect Kiva!!! Amazing. Kids hardcore. Do you mind if I pm on some of the particulars of your trip? I think I have a good feel for the Citadel and the 7 Kivas, still working on Falling roof. I'm just trying to loop them all together. thanks

Yep, he hiked the entire time. I've found if I put a hydration pack on him then he does really well, even though he has to pee every ten minutes, haha. Go ahead and pm me. I'll give you any info I can.

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