Zion West Rim Backpacking


Aug 9, 2007
Thanks to markj's suggestion, I am putting the Zion West Rim on my Spring 2012 backpacking to-do list. Wondering if anyone has suggestion on how best to do it. I imagine it would be ideal to do it as a point-to-point with a car shuttle. I'm also guessing it would be best to start at the West Rim or Wildcat Trailhead and hike west to east and end the hike in Zion Canyon? Looks like a pretty reasonable 2-day/1-night adventure.

Any suggestions on campsites or places to fill up on water along the way?

And how early is too early for this one, assuming we don't get some insane amount of snow this spring?
Thanks to markj's suggestion, I am putting the Zion West Rim on my Spring 2012 backpacking to-do list. Wondering if anyone has suggestion on how best to do it. I imagine it would be ideal to do it as a point-to-point with a car shuttle. I'm also guessing it would be best to start at the West Rim or Wildcat Trailhead and hike west to east and end the hike in Zion Canyon? Looks like a pretty reasonable 2-day/1-night adventure.

Any suggestions on campsites or places to fill up on water along the way?

And how early is too early for this one, assuming we don't get some insane amount of snow this spring?

Haha, I'll just reply to all your backpacking threads, okay?:p West Rim is also a backpack I've looked at doing. The best way to do it would be with a shuttle, starting at Lava Point, and ending in Zion Canyon. That way you get to cruise downhill most of the way, and the scenery is more dramatic. Here's a link to a site I love that has all the important info on this backpack, as well as some great pictures.


By the way, I want in on this if you decide to go late April or mid-May.:)
I forget the exact spot, but on the Wild cat there's a spring water available. I believe it was like a mile or two before the trail becomes the West Rim trail.
I started by the spring and hiked down into the main canyon in one day, but it was a long day and wasn't my plan. I wanted to camp at one of the sites halfway through, but it started raining an hour so into my hike and never quit. When I got to the designated campsite I had over estimated how much time it would take and I was there at like 2 in the afternoon. Rain was washing across the ground where I was supposed to camp and I couldn't stand the idea of being stuck in my tent for the rest of the day so I kept hiking. I had hoped to catch one of the last designated spots before reaching Angels Landing, but alas they were already taken so I just kept hiking to get of the dang ridge line.
I hear it's a beautiful hike but with the rain and fog I never saw more than 50 feet or so in front of me.
Oh well its what memories and stories are made of.
Just checked my map. Sawmill springs is located just after lava point near campsite 9. There's another spring, not sure of name, between campsite 7 and 8. Another West Rim cabin spring near campsite 1.
Do some research to make sure these springs are viable options for when you're going. Don't forget your permit. Only people I saw on this trail was rangers checking permits.
Wow! This looks awesome! I'm going to try and put this together too!!!
I hiked this in Sept of 2010 and we did the Subway 1 day then the West Rim the next 2 days.... My legs were done for the week... My wife would like to do this again this year and so would I. We started up at Lava Point and had some drop us off as we headed down to Camp number 6. I chose that one cause it seemed to be about the halfway mark, plus the next day was all down hill from there. The campsite was in a group of big pine trees not far from a sweet view to the west. Out of all the campsites we went by I like this one best. There was a place to get water before and after the campsite a few miles so make sure you get pleanty of it. We were thinking about hitting this in May, but not sure if we can work it in this year... Although you could do this as a weekend hike. I recommend top to bottom for sure.....
I didn't take a ton of pictures, however here are some shots from that trip... http://www.wesleyaston.com/zion/2010/westrim/index.html
Well thanks alot NICK, just talked to my wife again... and you made up our minds for one of our trips. ;) Won't be doing it in May though.... I got April 28th reserved at #6 hope it isn't to cold!

Awesome! I'm looking at doing it somewhere between there and mid-May. Just waiting to see what happens with some permits. Unless winter decides to happen late this spring, I would think it should be pretty good by then. :)
I hiked this in Sept of 2010 and we did the Subway 1 day then the West Rim the next 2 days.... My legs were done for the week... My wife would like to do this again this year and so would I. We started up at Lava Point and had some drop us off as we headed down to Camp number 6. I chose that one cause it seemed to be about the halfway mark, plus the next day was all down hill from there. The campsite was in a group of big pine trees not far from a sweet view to the west. Out of all the campsites we went by I like this one best. There was a place to get water before and after the campsite a few miles so make sure you get pleanty of it. We were thinking about hitting this in May, but not sure if we can work it in this year... Although you could do this as a weekend hike. I recommend top to bottom for sure.....
I didn't take a ton of pictures, however here are some shots from that trip... http://www.wesleyaston.com/zion/2010/westrim/index.html

Nice pictures! This looks like such an awesome backpack. Let's all keep our fingers crossed for the weak winter to continue.:)
I have been wanting to do the west rim for years, I did the east rim years back and almost killed myself.
I was thinking about this hike... what was it that did you in?
Stupidity... I was far from focused on the trail, slipped down a steep embankment, ended up hanging off the edge of a cliff, cut my pack off and let it drop so that I could pull myself up using cacti as hand holds... Finished the hike, Cussed people that wouldn't give me a ride back to the east entrance of the park where my car was (I mean really I only looked a little bloody and dirty).
It was a great trip though other than that :)
Stupidity... I was far from focused on the trail, slipped down a steep embankment, ended up hanging off the edge of a cliff, cut my pack off and let it drop so that I could pull myself up using cacti as hand holds... Finished the hike, Cussed people that wouldn't give me a ride back to the east entrance of the park where my car was (I mean really I only looked a little bloody and dirty).
It was a great trip though other than that :)
thats crazy... some people are douches. So whens your next trip there? ;)
Stupidity... I was far from focused on the trail, slipped down a steep embankment, ended up hanging off the edge of a cliff, cut my pack off and let it drop so that I could pull myself up using cacti as hand holds... Finished the hike, Cussed people that wouldn't give me a ride back to the east entrance of the park where my car was (I mean really I only looked a little bloody and dirty).
It was a great trip though other than that :)

Holy Shit! I bet that was more than scary!!! :eek: Glad you were able to self rescue! :twothumbs: That had to hurt pulling yourself up on the cacti! Were you able to retrieve your pack?
Holy Shit! I bet that was more than scary!!! :eek: Glad you were able to self rescue! :twothumbs: That had to hurt pulling yourself up on the cacti! Were you able to retrieve your pack?
Yeah, found my way down and got my pack (my nalgine bottle even survived) and then hiked out by way of the weeping rock area, I am not ashamed to admit I was scared to death, bleeding and all bruised up but glad I was able to stop myself and alive. I was supposed to be out another day but I just couldn't do it at that point (wasn't sure I would be able to walk in the morning as I had pulled some muscles in my leg on the way down).
Wow that's pretty crazy. Just for curiosity, would you elaborate on what happened. Sounds like it could be a good cautionary tale to learn from.
Wow that's pretty crazy. Just for curiosity, would you elaborate on what happened. Sounds like it could be a good cautionary tale to learn from.
Cautionary tale.. avoid being really really stupid, it could lead to death..
May 1998 I was on Day 2 of a 3 day solo trip on the east rim mostly exploring and being well off the path normally traveled. I was between stave spring and echo canyon when I decided to.... ummm remove a splinter from my hand while hiking.... next thing I know I was headed ass over teakettle down the embankment, grabbing anything I could until I finally came to a stop at the edge of the cliff. I was resting on my ribs on the edge with the majority of my body weight hanging over the edge. I couldn't pull myself up for the life of me (didn't help that at this point in time I rolled with a 50+ lbs pack most of the time) I was holding on to a nasty thorn bush with one hand and sand in the other. I eventually got the gumption to grab my knife hanging from my pack and cut off the shoulder straps (waist had come undone on the way down). after that it was just pull myself up.. crawl back to the trail, sit there for 45 minutes freaking out.... then I decided I had to get my pack as my water, food etc was all there so I worked my way down the trail and back to my pack and then out.
Cautionary tale.. avoid being really really stupid, it could lead to death..
May 1998 I was on Day 2 of a 3 day solo trip on the east rim mostly exploring and being well off the path normally traveled. I was between stave spring and echo canyon when I decided to.... ummm remove a splinter from my hand while hiking.... next thing I know I was headed ass over teakettle down the embankment, grabbing anything I could until I finally came to a stop at the edge of the cliff. I was resting on my ribs on the edge with the majority of my body weight hanging over the edge. I couldn't pull myself up for the life of me (didn't help that at this point in time I rolled with a 50+ lbs pack most of the time) I was holding on to a nasty thorn bush with one hand and sand in the other. I eventually got the gumption to grab my knife hanging from my pack and cut off the shoulder straps (waist had come undone on the way down). after that it was just pull myself up.. crawl back to the trail, sit there for 45 minutes freaking out.... then I decided I had to get my pack as my water, food etc was all there so I worked my way down the trail and back to my pack and then out.
Splinter huh. Funny now, not so funny at the time. I'll keep this one in the back of mind. Thanks for elaborating.