Woman-specific, lightweight bags

Elf Owl

Mar 3, 2015
I feel like I've researched myself into a circle on this one.

I'm in the market for a warmer-weather, down sleeping bag that is decently light and very compressible (space saving is my main priority, this will basically be for two-season bikepacking and backpacking in the desert). I already have a 15-degree bag that great in the cold, but is heavy, big, and overkill for most of what I do in the summer. Two things of note: I am 5'2'' and tend to sleep somewhat cold. I'm thinking a 30-degree rating should be about right, maybe a touch warmer. That estimate accounts for brand wiggle room when not adhering to EN temperature ratings, as some don't.

For a while I was looking at quilts, but I emailed a few companies (Sierra Designs, Big Agnes, NEMO) and the consensus from them was that their one-size-fits-all quilts, while very light and packable, are really only designed for someone down to about 5'6'' tall. Otherwise there's too much dead space to heat, you're more likely to get drafts, etc.

So, I guess I'm back to looking at sleeping bags? I've looked at the NEMO Rhapsody 30 (seems kinda light, worried about packability), the Sierra Designs women's Backcountry Bed 2-season (a little heavier, also a packability concern) and a variety of Big Agnes bags (none of their very light and packable bags are female-specific).

I've looked at those brands in particular because I get a pro deal on them so can stretch my dollar quite a bit, but I'm not stuck to them if something better exists out there at a similar-ish. My budget maxes out around $300 unless there's the perfect bag available somewhere that will last me a lifetime.

What else is out there? Or, does anyone have opinions on the two frontrunners I'm considering? How come shorties can't have nice things too??
Mountain Hardwear, Marmot, some Kelty, Western Mountaineering among others.
Talk to the people at backcountry.com in SLC, they may have helpful info.
Others will chime in as well.... buy what fits, you can always get a liner or thermals if colder.
Also check out feathered friends. They have women's-specific bags, and even their men's bags come in so many different widths that you're bound to find something that fits perfectly.

I'm a fan of western mountaineering, but they don't have nearly the options/selection that FF has.