Wind Rivers - Lee Lake Loop


Mar 3, 2013
With an Invite from Oldbill, I joined his party for a 3 night loop. 34 miles from the Scab creek TH ........

First nights stop, Dream Lake ........

On past the Fremont trail junction ...........


Rainbow Lake ........



Headed down from Rainbow Pass to Lee Lake ..........


Night two at Lee Lake .......


On the way to Bonneville Pass, looking back to Lee and Middle Fork Lakes ........


Oldbill near Donna Lake ........


At Bonneville Pass ........


Looking back up Bonneville pass from the South ......


Down to Bonneville lake .......


Headed down South Fork of Boulder creek to Raid Lake .........


Third Night at Raid lake .........


Back out to the TH .........


A bit of smoke, caught lots of fish, quite a few backpackers, dogs, outfitters and a few cows.......... great weather, good company ........ Thanks Oldbill .......... good trip.
Excellent. Thanks for sharing. I can live vicariously through your photos! @Jon Carbaugh and I were supposed to visit this exact area Sept 2-8...until I got sick the day we were supposed to leave! :confused: Looks like you guys had great weather and saw some fine stuff.
is that the tarptent double rainbow? the foot of it looks different than the one i have. yours has the high triangle, and it looks like its still meshed. mine goes all the way down to the bottom of the pole. did they change the design or did you do some modifications? it looks like yours will have pretty great airflow compared to the cinched down configuration.

awesome fotos too!
is that the tarptent double rainbow? the foot of it looks different than the one i have. yours has the high triangle, and it looks like its still meshed. mine goes all the way down to the bottom of the pole. did they change the design or did you do some modifications? it looks like yours will have pretty great airflow compared to the cinched down configuration.

awesome fotos too!
It is a single Bowfin.... Kinda replaces the rainbow....
Vents a lot better than my old rainbow... Still get some condensation in right conditions.
Had a great time doing this loop with Bob. Had planned another day and bigger loop, but plans changed. Will summarize my full 3 wks on a separate thread.

Not much to add to Bob's excellent write-up except a few other photos. Got out-fished 10:1. I'm slow to set up camp and can't pack my rod ready to cast. It was a lot of fun to exchange stories of trips in the Winds and elsewhere.

Learned a lot. Didn't pass the test of walking barefoot across a creek!DSC00842.JPGDSC00845.JPGDSC00849.JPGDSC00852.JPGDSC00890.JPGDSC00893.JPGDSC00899.JPGDSC00902.JPGDSC00905.JPGDSC00908.JPGDSC00904.JPGDSC00915.JPG
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