Wind rivers and fire


Mar 3, 2013
Those heading north to the Winds or Jackson.....Currently 4000 acre fire just north of Bondurant thru Granite creek....highway has been getting closed. Fire is burning both sides of highway with heavy smoke....
This fire is kicking butt......lots of smoke
I think there are 2 fires. Its been smoky off and on in Jackson the last few days. This morning the Tetons were smoked out, as well as the Gros Ventres. Its clear right now though, and seems to clear up every day. I could see smoke plumes rising up earlier from where I was working in Wilson.
10000 acres now
Worst day so far. Really windy this afternoon. Jackson is clear now, but any hiking in the area is going to be extremely smokey. I couldn't even see the Tetons or Gros Ventres this afternoon.
I am keeping an eye on that Cliff Creek fire too by Bondurant. It affects me in several ways. Not the least of which is our trip to the High and Wild, fellas.
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They are now evacuating North of US 26/287 for the Lava Mt. Fire. Drove through it yesterday, surreal.
Union Pass area (North of Winds) is closed off......
FIre at Shoshone LK (S winds) is out.
Cliff fire by Boundurant is still putting out a lot of smoke......presumably would affect the N Winds as far as clear skies.